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Relatórios de segurança alimentar: Hibachi


Relatórios Recentes

5 year old son got severely sick after eating here. Likely candidate was the buffet's Mac n cheese. Ped had to prescribe anti-vomiting medication it was so bad.  | Sintomas: Diarreia, Febre, Vomitando

#hibachigrill #hibachi #indianapolis #indiana #us #queijo

Ate there on July 22 around 7pm. Had Vegetarian sushi, general tsos chicken, teriyaki chicken, and fried cream cheese wantons. Began feeling nauseous around 1am and have been shaky, lightheaded, nausea, and experience diarrhea throughout the whole night.  | Sintomas: Diarreia, Náusea, Vomitando

#hibachigrill #hibachi #roanoke #virginia #us #queijo #galinha #creme #sushi #teriyaki #vegetariano

I ate the Philadelphia roll, and spicy tuna roll. The sushi wasn't fresh and was also smelling very fishy when I first ate there. And the employees there that were cooking wasn't changing their gloves when they're cooking and making sushi. After I ate, when I went… Veja mais

#hibachi #hibachigrill #portstlucie #florida #us #sushi #atum #rolo

Duas horas depois de comer neste restaurante de buffet chinês, tive cãibras, inchaço e vômitos. Tinha frango, vegetais e sopa entre algumas outras coisas. Pepto ajudou muito, mas teve diarréia mais tarde. Demorou 17 horas para meu sistema se reiniciar. Algo sobre esse lugar me incomodou, a… Veja mais

#hibachi #hibachigrill #cinnaminson #newjersey #us #galinha #chinês #sopa

My fiance and I both had hibachi chicken with mushrooms and fried rice. We both got extremely sick within 2 hours of each other about 5 to 7 hours after eating it. We have spent the last 24 hours puking, sitting on the toilet and just plain… Veja mais

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