User profile: user-mwdp8868
吃了装有鸡肉 Al Pastor、糙米、酸奶油和奶酪、番茄和青番茄酱的卷饼碗后一小时内就会呕吐。我的家人吃了卷饼配白米饭、奶酪和酸奶油、番石榴和barbacoa。他们没有生病所以我想是糙米或鸡肉造成的。不是 100% 确定,但我吃完饭后很恶心。
Ate a smokehouse burger and crinkle fries around 8pm Sunday 6/24/19 and went to bed around 10. At around 1am I threw up and then again in the morning and felt so sick I had to call out of work. This was the only thing I ate all day other than coffee and vitamin water early in the day.