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    تم وضع تقريرك في قائمة الانتظار - قد تستغرق معالجة تقريرك ما يصل إلى 12 ساعة.


    {النتيجة_النهائية|تقرير سلامة الغذاء} - Texas Roadhouse، Steubenville Ohio

    منذ 5 سنوات reported by user-vwtf5312 عمل

    Texas Roadhouse, Mall Drive, Steubenville, OH, USA

    100 Mall Drive, Steubenville, 43952 Ohio, United States

    5 of us went out to eat last night 7/27/19 at the. 3 adults, 2 children. 1 adult had just a bone in steak (whatever the 25.00 steak is) and fries. He also ate part of a cactus blossom with ketchup. 2nd adult had a 6oz sirloin cooked well with a salad and a side of barbequed chicken. The Salad contained Lettuce, crutons, and ranch dressing only. 3rd adult had a 6 oz sirloin medium rare with a loaded sweet potato and a salad. This salad contained- Lettuce, Cheese, crutons, and tomatoes with Honey mustard Dressing. Child 1 had Macaroni and cheese and child 2 had chicken tenders and fries. 2 adults had sweet tea, 1 adult had a coke and both children had chocolate milk. 2 of the adults ate bread and butter, both children ate just the bread. All 3 adults became ill to their stomach within 4 hours of being there. 2 ended up with diarrhea within 1 hour of being there and the 3 ended up with just nausea. The upset stomachs and nausea where still there for all 3 as 9:00 AM this morning. As of 4:30 PM ET today 7/28/19 one of the adults is still suffering from diarrhea. I am not sure what it was that made everyone sick. I would assume the cactus blossom or something in the meat as that is what all 3 had in common. | الأعراض: إسهال, غثيان

    #texasroadhouse #steubenville #ohio #unitedstates #خبز #الجبن #دجاج #شيكولاتة #فرايز #عسل #خس #البطاطس #سلطة #لحمالخاصرة #شريحةلحم #كاتشب #كوكاكولا #زبدة #معكرونة #تشيكنتندرز #خردل #اللحوم #الحليب

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