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Rapports de sécurité alimentaire: Fresno, California, United States

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Rapports récents

I bought organic boneless, skin off chicken and made it for dinner last night. Two hours after dinner I started to feel sick, then started vomiting and then had diarrhea. After a few hours of that I was able to sleep., I was the only one who… Voir plus

#wholefoodsmarket #fresno #california #us #poulet

Je suis allé en voiture, j'ai commandé du bœuf bejing, du poulet à l'orange, du poulet kungpao et du chowmein @7pm le 5/3/19. Mon premier repas de la journée, la nourriture avait un goût un peu dégoûté mais je n'y ai rien pensé, maintenant il est 3… Voir plus

#pandaexpress #fresno #california #us #boeuf #poulet #orange

Ate fries on Monday and on Tuesday was sick been throwing up for 2.5 days continuously, Had to call 911 he’s admitted in hospital now symptoms started about 24 hours after eating them didn’t eat anything else  | Symptômes: Vomissements

#mcdonalds #fresno #california #us #hôpital #frites

Betty’s Toasted Sandwiches, I started getting sick several hours after eating. Both my mom and I ate at this location but her sandwich was made after mine with a fresh bag of lettuce.  | Symptômes: Nausée

#fresno #california #us #laitue #sandwich

I ate a spicy Italian from my local subway, about 45 minutes after eating about 6 medium bites I went back to work, however like I've stated it took 45 minutes to let it set in it was my first meal of the day. I noticed the… Voir plus

#subway #fresno #california #us #italien #sandwich #viande

Ordered 2 quarter pounders. 3-4 hours later stomach began hurting real bad. Ran to the bathroom had diarrhea real bad and then proceeded to vomit multiple times . Had diarrhea, a fever, and threw up multiple times during the night and next morning. Still feel sick writing… Voir plus

#mcdonalds #fresno #california #us

Jack in the box, My son ate about 5pm on Sunday 3/31/19 the rest of our family ate at a different restaurant. Around 9:15-8:30 he vomited a huge amount. He cleaned up and tried to go back to bed. 20- 30 min later Vomiting and till the following day  | Symptômes: Vomissements, Diarrhée, Fièvre, Nausée

#jackinthebox #fresno #california #us