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Rapports de sécurité alimentaire: Waco, Texas, United States

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Rapports récents

I ordered chicken and shrimp carbonara and My little girl always eats Some of my shrimp Well about 1 hour after eating she said her stomach was hurting very badly she had diarrhea and then she vomited, she went to bed and woke me up 2 times… Voir plus

#olivegarden #waco #texas #us #poulet #crevettes

Italian food, probably marinara Ate dinner with family a week ago sunday. My husband and I were ill and both had a dish with marinara while my boys had Alfredo. My husband was ill for around 4-5 but I am still experiencing symptoms 7 day a later.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée

#waco #texas #us #alfredo #italien

Food, I began getting ill before we even got in the car. I even went back inside the restaurant she try to force myself to vomit but was unable. I experienced extreme stomach cramps, stomach-churning and aching. Nausea and weakness. My daughter 8 at the same time… Voir plus

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Fried catfish and fried shrimp, Two of us We ate there this past Friday night we both had the fried catfish and fried shrimp basket for myself within a few hours I was vomiting constantly or dry heaving as for my roommate didn't hit her as bad… Voir plus

#waco #texas #us #crevettes #crevettesfrites

I went there, and ate a funnel cake while there around 8:30. I woke up at 2:30, vomited twice, went back to bed, woke at 4:30, nearly sh*t my pants, went back to sleep, woke up at 5:30, sh*t my pants and vomited at the same time,… Voir plus

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