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Relatórios Recentes


há 8 anos reported by user-hmnhk587 detalhes

Depois de comer uma tigela de frango, guacamole e batatas fritas, as horríveis cólicas estomacais começaram. Meu estômago inchou até onde eu não conseguia nem respirar. Febre e suor começaram a escorrer pelo meu rosto e pelas costas. As cãibras ficaram mais severas e acabei vomitando enquanto… Veja mais

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Burger King

há 8 anos reported by user-vkgdz889 detalhes

At approx. 2:30 PM on Jan. 10 I ordered a Ultimate Bacon Cheeseburger and a small onion rings. By the next Afternoon I was having nausea and extremely painful stomach cramps. At approx. 5:30 PM the diarrhea started and lasted until 7 PM at which time the… Veja mais

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há 8 anos reported by user-tbhpm737 detalhes

Ordered a frosty and medium fry from the drive thru. A few hours after snacking on that, I feel nausea for a while then throw it all up. I continued to throw the rest of that up until I had nothing left but bile. Diarrhea and dry heaving for a few hours. Horrible night  | Sintomas: Diarreia, Náusea, Vomitando, Bile

had a mushroom steak burgerand six hours later I became extremely nauseous. I began vomiting and having diarrhea at the same time.the temperature spiked up to 103 degrees and I continued to vomit bile and stomach acid for 4 more hours. it is now 20 hours later… Veja mais

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