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Lebensmittelsicherheitsberichte: Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada



Subway, Parkway Boulevard, Coquitlam, BC, Canada

vor 3 Jahren reported by user-ppyd9671 einzelheiten

Yesterday evening at 8:00 p.m. I have ordered Tuna Salad from here. I had doubts while eating as the taste seemed like the veggies were rotten. I had the feeling I am gonna be sick right away. Today I am having very bad colics, diarrhea and nausea.  | Symptome: Durchfall, Übelkeit, Andere

#subway #coquitlam #britishcolumbia #ca #salat #thunfisch

Clover Leaf Flaked White Tuna, Albacore in Water Ate the tuna at around 5:30 pm on Tuesday, April 28th. Felt ill at approx. 8:30 pm the same day. Experienced violent vomiting then and again at about 4:30 a.m. the following morning. Had chills, aches, headache and then… Mehr sehen

#coquitlam #britishcolumbia #ca #thunfisch

I had the calamari
And within hours I started vomiting and diarrhea which took two days to go away this is my second time getting food poisoning from the same location something must be done  | Symptome: Durchfall, Übelkeit, Erbrechen

#bostonpizza #coquitlam #britishcolumbia #ca #tintenfisch

Bought a take 12 coffee, 50 timbits and a dozen donuts for a staff meeting Picked up the food around 6:45 am for a 7:00 am meeting. Now Several employees are sick with food poisoning. ? including myself  | Symptome: Durchfall, Übelkeit

#timhortons #coquitlam #britishcolumbia #ca #kaffee

Both my boyfriend and I had wings, neither of us had much to eat other than that during the day. Within 1.5 hours of eating the wings we both got awful stomach cramps followed by diarrhea and vomiting. We aren’t even able to keep water down. It’s awful. STAY AWAY and STAY HEALTHY  | Symptome: Durchfall, Fieber, Übelkeit, Erbrechen, Krämpfe

#coquitlam #britishcolumbia #ca #flügel

We went We both had seafood pho with fresh basil, sprouts and lime. Both my husband and I have been sick since, Two of us had the seafood pho and symptoms started about an hour after eating. It is now nearly 24 hours later and we are… Mehr sehen

#coquitlam #britishcolumbia #ca #meeresfrüchte

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