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Rapports de sécurité alimentaire: Irvine, California, United States

Mise à jour:

Rapports récents

I had a Quarter Pounder with cheese and a small french fry. I noticed that the quarter pounder tasted a little different than it normally does. The following morning I felt really naseous and by evening I was having stomach cramps. The next day I couldn't keep… Voir plus

#mcdonalds #irvine #california #us #fromage

On July 12th 2020, I went into this location at approximately 3:15 pm. I ordered the steak bowl. I came home, ate the bowl and within six hours I was vomiting like crazy. I then had diarrhea for four straight days vomiting on and off. I was… Voir plus

#chipotlemexicangrill #irvine #california #us #euh #steak #bolàsteak #bol

ordered chicken fajita, egg rolls, 2 tacos. Tacos were very greasy and tasted off, should not have consumed but I did. Several hours later severe vomiting and barged out everything. It was my only meal of the day. Also had fever, sweating, chills, body ache, rotten egg burping. Awful!  | Symptômes: Nausée, Vomissements, Fièvre, Autre, Frissons, Transpiration, Douleur corporelle, Rots

#jackinthebox #irvine #california #us #poulet #oeuf #fajita

Sunday, June 7, around 12pm, I ate with a group (outdoor seating) and that night I ran to the bathroom like 5 times with diarrhea, stomach pain and chills. Felt nauseous for a long time too. I ate their chimichurri steak with mashed potatoes, gravy and brussels… Voir plus

#urbanplates #irvine #california #us #steak #puréedepommesdeterre #sauce