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Report by

Food Safety Report: Esquina Del Sabor Catrocho, 2535 N Laramie Ave , Chicago, Il, USA

2 months ago source business

Regulatory Report

2535 North Laramie Avenue, Chicago, 60639 Illinois, United States

Report date: Jul 23, 2024
2. City of chicago food service sanitation certificate
- comments: observed no certified manager from 8:15am to 8:45am while tcs foods such as chicken were prepared. At 8:45am certified manager doris molina arrived on site. Instructed to maintain employee holding city of chicago foodservice manager certificate on site at all times. Priority foundation violation 7-38-012. Citation issued.

10. Adequate handwashing sinks properly supplied and accessible
- comments: observed exposed hand washing sink in front prep area rendered inaccessible by utensils and container being placed inside it. Instructed to maintain all exposed hand washing sinks open and accessible for hand washing. Priority foundation violation 7-38-030(c). Citation issued.

10. Adequate handwashing sinks properly supplied and accessible
- comments: observed no hand soap available at all handwashing sinks throughout the facility. Instructed to provide handsoap at all times. Priority foundation violation 7-38-030 (c) citation issued

10. Adequate handwashing sinks properly supplied and accessible
- comments: observed no paper towels at all exposed hand washing sinks throughtout the facility. Instructed to maintain paper towels at all exposed hand washing sinks at all times. Priority foundation violation 7-38-030(c). Citation combined with above violation.

10. Adequate handwashing sinks properly supplied and accessible
- comments: observed exposed hand washing sink in front prep area clogged, instructed to repair and maintain. Priority foundation violation 7-38-030(c). Citation issued

22. Proper cold holding temperatures
- comments: observed tcs foods held at improper internal temperatures in the front prep cold holding unit, such as 50lbs of chicken at 49. 2-52. 4f, 20lbs of fish ranging from 65. 0f-70f. All cold tcs food must maintain 41f or below. Priority violation. Citation issued 7-38-005.

39. Contamination prevented during food preparation, storage & display
- comments: observed food items stored on floor in walk-in cooler. Instructed manager to elevate all food six inches off floor.

41. Wiping cloths: properly used & stored
- comments: observed soiled wiping cloths stored on prep tables. Instructed manager to store in sanitizing solution between uses.

47. Food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
- comments: observed torn gasket in the door cooler in the rear prep area. Instructed to repair or replace and maintain

49. Non-food/food contact surfaces clean
- comments: found an accumulation of dirt and old food debris build up on the prep tables in the rear and front prep areas, and throughout the facility. Instructed management to detail clean all and maintain.

50. Hot & cold water available; adequate pressure
- comments: observed no hot water throughout establishment. Found improper hot water temperature at hand washing sink in front prep area at 73. 5f, hot water temperature at hand washing sink in rear found at 72. 5f, hot water temperature at washing sink by the cooking/prep area at temp of 75. 4f, hot water temperature at 3-compartment sink found at 75. 7f, hot water temperature at hand sink in women's bathroom found at 78. 5f and hot water temperature at hand sink in men's bathroom found at 75. 3f. Hot water temperature at 3-compartment sink in rear found at 75. 7f. Instructed manager proper hot water temperature at hand washing sinks must be at a minimum of 100. 0f or higher through a mixing valve or combination faucet. Hot water temperature at 3-compartment sink must be at least 110. 0f to properly wash, rinse and sanitize utensils and equipment. Plumbers on site hot water temperature was resolved in all sinks and hot water was able to continuousily be provided at said sinks. Washbowl sink with 100f or more and three compartment sink 113f. Priority violation. 7-38-030(c). Citation issued.

55. Physical facilities installed, maintained & clean
- comments: observed excessive clutter and unnecessary articles stored throughout the rear storage area and inside the walk-in freezer that turned off and used for storage. Must remove all items that are unnecessary to the operation, detail clean said areas, and re-organize all remaining items, storing them off the floor to provide adequate facility cleaning.

55. Physical facilities installed, maintained & clean
- comments: found heavy dirt build up on the floors throughout the rear storage area and inside the walk-in cooler, as well as inside the rear storage/prep area floor drains. Instructed management to clean said areas and maintain.

55. Physical facilities installed, maintained & clean
- comments: observed soiled mop heads not properly stored. Instructed manager to hang mop heads to prevent insect breeding.

56. Adequate ventilation & lighting; designated areas used
- comments: observed all the vent throughout the facility in need of cleaning. Instructed to clean and amaintain

56. Adequate ventilation & lighting; designated areas used
- comments: observed some missing burnt out light bulb throught out the facility. Instructed to replace and maintain

58. Allergen training as required
- comments: must provide allergen awareness training for all certified managers and maintain certificates on site.


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