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    يرجى تقديم البريد الإلكتروني أو الهاتف

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    Capitola, California, United States



    Margaritaville, Esplanade, Capitola, CA, USA

    منذ 4 سنوات reported by user-thfr2933 تفاصيل

    I ordered the calamari and chicken enchiladas. My stomach is usually not sensitive at all but about an hour and a half later, I had extremely bad diarrhea and vomiting that lasted until I went to bed.  | الأعراض: إسهال, قيء

    #capitola #california #us #chicken #calamari #enchiladas


    Chipotle Mexican Grill, 41st Avenue, Capitola, CA, USA

    منذ 4 سنوات reported by user-wkvyx437 تفاصيل

    I had lunch on 7/21/19 (2 soft shell tacos with brown rice, black beans, sofritas, guac, corn relish, and lettuce) and began vomiting around 1 am. I vomited twice (1 am and maybe 1:45 am). I have now eaten a second time everything else I had that day, which is how I know it was from here.  | الأعراض: قيء

    #chipotlemexicangrill #capitola #california #us #corn #lettuce #rice #brownrice #blackbeans

    Yesterday, mid afternoon i stopped after i finished shopping. i order a vegan bowl with guacamole and chips. i started feeling sick last night. my stomach felt very tight, and also felt nauseous. about 24 hours after eating the meal, i began dry heaving followed by diarrhea.… شاهد المزيد

    #chipotlemexicangrill #capitola #california #us #chips #guacamole #vegan #bowl

    Chipotle Bowl, I ate a bowl around 4pm. By 5pm I felt a little funny but nothing significant. I went to sleep around 10:30 and woke up at midnight with stomach cramps/ache. By 12:30 I had diarrhea and by 1am I was vomiting violently. Been sick for 5 hours straight.  | الأعراض: قيء, إسهال, غثيان, تشنجات

    #chipotlemexicangrill #capitola #california #us #bowl


    Chipotle Mexican Grill, 41st Avenue, Capitola, CA, USA

    منذ 5 سنوات reported by user-nhxt6114 تفاصيل

    We go to chipotle often but last night after a veggie bowl of black beans,
    Corn salsa, guacamole, sour cream, and lettuce I vomited repeatley until my stomach was empty.
    It appeared like the bean hardly disgusted. I had a fever and shakes as well as diarrhea.… شاهد المزيد

    #chipotlemexicangrill #capitola #california #us #corn #cream #guacamole #lettuce #salsa #veggie #sourcream #blackbeans #bean #bowl


    Whole Foods Market, 41st Avenue, Capitola, CA, USA

    منذ 6 سنوات reported by user-dkkc7581 تفاصيل

    Had dinner from hot food deli and came down with high fever 15 hours later followed by severe cramping and diarrhea. Symptoms lasted 4 days  | الأعراض: إسهال, حمى

    #wholefoodsmarket #capitola #california #us


    McDonald's, 1760 41st Ave, Capitola, CA 95010, USA

    منذ 7 سنوات reported by user-kmtnz578 تفاصيل

    My family and I ate lunch at capitola 41st mcdonalds.I ate nuggets honey mustard and 2 mcdoubles and a sprite.A while later I started feeling really cold and strange.It got worse my family took me for dinner I was nauseous could not eat any thing.I just
    Wanted… شاهد المزيد

    #capitola #california #us #honey #sprite #mustard

    آخر 30 يومًا