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    لا تظهر هذه المعلومات على الموقع الإلكتروني. يمكننا إعلامك بالتحديثات، وقد نتصل بك للحصول على مزيد من المعلومات للمساعدة في حل مشكلتك أو متابعتها.

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    مهم - يتم وضع تقريرك في قائمة الانتظار - قد يستغرق ما يصل إلى 12 ساعة لعرض تقريرك على صفحتنا الرئيسية (إذا لم يتم اختياره كخاص)

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    وداعاً! وأطيب التمنيات في شفاءك

    Lake Worth, Texas, United States



    Rosa's Café & Tortilla Factory, Hawrylak, Lake Worth, TX, USA

    منذ 4 سنوات reported by user-prjb5841

    We think it was them, their beans My parents both got sick first. They brought me leftovers. 8-12 hours later, I'm puking my guts out.  | الأعراض: إسهال, غثيان, قيء

    #rosascafetortillafactory #lakeworth #texas #us


    Rosa's Café & Tortilla Factory, Hawrylak, Lake Worth, TX, USA

    منذ 4 سنوات reported by user-BP f84c8263-45e8-4f59-ba1d-a47106580241

    Order steak fajita salad on Friday 11/15 at approximately 3pm. On Saturday 11/16 at approximately 6pm I began having diarrhea. Had it all night then Sunday at 11am while still having diarrhea I began to have violent vomiting. The vomiting stop after 20 minutes but I still … شاهد المزيد
    have diarrhea to this point on Monday at 9pm.  | الأعراض: إسهال, غثيان, قيء
    انظر أقل

    #lakeworth #texas #us #salad #steak #steakfajita #fajita


    Chipotle Mexican Grill, Lake Worth Boulevard, Lake Worth, TX, USA

    منذ 4 سنوات reported by user-drdjq369

    I got a bowl of chicken white rice lettuce corn salsa cheese and guacamole. I ate chips and guacamole. Immediately started having stomach cramps after about 30 mins of eating. Gone to the bathroom twice and thrown up once and we are just 2 hours post dinner.  | الأعراض: إسهال, غثيان, قيء, تشنجات

    #chipotlemexicangrill #lakeworth #texas #us #cheese #chicken #chips #corn #guacamole #lettuce #rice #salsa #bowl


    Fuzzy's Taco Shop, Azle Avenue, Fort Worth, TX, USA

    منذ 4 سنوات reported by user-tmng1963

    Got chips and queso and two ground beef tacos. A few hours later I started feeling nauseous, was vomiting every 30 minutes and had diarrhea. It was awful.  | الأعراض: إسهال, غثيان, قيء

    #fuzzystacoshop #lakeworth #texas #us #beef #chips


    Whataburger, Lake Worth Boulevard, Lake Worth, TX, USA

    منذ 5 سنوات reported by user-jyhcw114

    Had a whataburger New Year's Eve at jacksbo Hyw whataburger about 8 pm , next day at noon started with nausea, then diarrhea vomoting and fever. Wort experience ever,  | الأعراض: إسهال, حمى, غثيان, قيء

    #whataburger #lakeworth #texas #us

    نفسي و 3 أطفال جميعهم القيء والإسهال والحمى والقشعريرة وتشنجات المعدة ألم شديد. طلبنا صندوقين من تاكو الإفطار.  | الأعراض: إسهال, حمى, قيء, تشنجات, قشعريرة

    #tacocabana #lakeworth #texas #us #taco

    I usually don't eat out/at chipotle often, but after awhile of eating the same fast food joints, I decided to switch it up. I've never been a big fan of their "meat" options. I always either get chicken or steaks, and I've tried their barbacoa once, considering … شاهد المزيد
    how unsatisfying the chicken and steak meat is to me there. Before I became sick, I chose steak. I ate most of it, and I remember tasting once steak piece in my mouth that was absolutely disgusting. It was like a burnt, ashy taste. I didn't even want to swallow. I just thought to myself "you're being dramatic/picky, it's not that bad" My biggest mistake was not spitting it out. I ignored it and just finished my last bite and threw the rest of the bowl away.
    After a few hours I threw up the bowl. My first thought was "great I have food poising" I bought some gatorades, chicken noodle soup and just tried to take care of it myself. I noticed there wasn't a change, I was getting more uncomfortable everyday. I didn't have an appetite and felt like vomiting about 95% of the day. I decided I wasn't going to ignore my body signs and go to my doctor. I told her about my symptoms and how it all started. She had me take a breath test. A couple days later, I get positive results of Helicobacter Pylori. It's a bacterial that can eventually turn into stomach cancer if not treated correctly. She immediately prescribed me antibiotics. I've been taking 2 different pills everyday, every 12hrs. I starved for about 2 weeks because feeling nauseous all the time, doesn't make you want to eat at all. It's not a good combination and also I couldn't even hold down chicken noodle soup. I called my doctor about it all and she added a nausea pill to my daily medications and had me start a Bland Diet. It's been a month now and I'm finally finishing up my antibiotics and getting my appetite back to normal. I have a follow up appointment to test it again and make sure it's completely cured. I've had a very terrible/depressing month because of Chipotle's contaminated food. I actually went through a lot and cried myself to sleep once because of how starving I was and not being able to control it. I couldn't even force myself to eat. Explaining the sickness doesn't do much justice to what it actually felt like day to day but, I wouldn't wish it upon anyone. Do not eat chipotle.  | الأعراض: غثيان, قيء
    انظر أقل

    #chipotlemexicangrill #lakeworth #texas #us #إتشبيلوري #chicken #fastfood #noodle #soup #steak #barbacoa #bowl #meat

    آخر 30 يومًا