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Lebensmittelsicherheitsberichte: Bali, Indonesia


I stayed at the Hotel for five days. My final meal from room service gave me campylobacter food poisoning which is affecting me six months later. I've had five courses of antibiotics and it's still with me. Don't eat there, avoid.  | Symptome: Durchfall, Übelkeit, Erbrechen

#bali #id #campylobacter

Ate breakfast at hotel and dinner at beach/pool bars. I'm not sure if I should mention them as I can't be certain where I caught the salmonella and don't want to blame a business if it wasn't them. It was in the Seminyak area.

I ate mi… Mehr sehen

#blood #bali #id #gastroenteritis #speck #saft #toast

I was hungry so i ordered wing bucket i had 4 pieces that was ok then one tasted strange but i was hungry didnt click could be bad then after i looked the meat was green yellow ish but i trusted now i will never buy again and sick day 3 now i hate u  | Symptome: Durchfall

#kfc #bali #id #fleisch

Drinking matcha latte in a juice bar It was a matter of 15min. Good at least I made it until the hotel. Free nasty detox both ways for 2nd day now. I dont know the name, it is a small juice bar with white walls and colourful, a bit maroccan style tiles on the floor  | Symptome: Durchfall, Übelkeit, Erbrechen

#bali #id #saft

My daughter and I both had the chicken and sweet corn soup. At 3am the next morning I was purging violently and this went on for 3-4 hours. I couldn’t even keep water down so we called the hotel doctor who gave me IV hydration and medication.… Mehr sehen

#bali #id #arzt-besuch #hühnchen #mais #suppe

Food poisoning from this place. I ate only at that place on that day and made sure to only drink bottled water apart from that. So it couldve only been this place. I ate fried noodles, had lime juice and tempeh from my friends plate. There were… Mehr sehen

#raw #bali #id #obst #saft

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