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Rapports de sécurité alimentaire: Sparks, Nevada, United States

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J'ai acheté des crevettes pop-corn 5-30-17 à 17 heures et j'étais malade à 8 heures ce soir-là, d'horribles crampes d'estomac, de diarrhée et de vomissements abondants et j'ai dû m'absenter du travail 5-31-17. Personne ne répondra au téléphone  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Fièvre, Nausée, Vomissements, Crampes

#popeyes #sparks #nevada #us #crevettes #maïssoufflé

My family and i went to eat at panda express. In reno nv sparks blvd we all came home with an upset stomach after a few hours we all threw up more than 4 times sad thing is my 4 year ild daughter had to gl through this also my wife  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Fièvre, Vomissements

#pandaexpress #sparks #nevada #us #visitechezlemédecin

Quatre d'entre nous y ont mangé hier soir pour dîner. Environ 3 heures plus tard, ma nièce avait de graves crampes d'estomac et de la diarrhée. Puis ce matin, mon neveu a vomi et a eu des crampes d'estomac. Puis la même chose m'est arrivée quand je… Voir plus

#innout #sparks #nevada #us

I went to Carl's Jr. Today November 23 about 5:30 and ordered food for my family we got home and I started eating my burger which was the double bacon western burger about an hour to two hours after eating my stomach was really
Upset I ran… Voir plus

#carlsjr #sparks #nevada #us #bacon #burger

I went to the drive through at 12:00 something at midnight ordered two of each. I belive this was Friday or Saturday that same night I had ridiculous heartburn that woke me up. I ran to the bathroom and threw up the food since that night I… Voir plus

#tacobell #sparks #nevada #us #chips #pizza #taco #viande

Are there sat night, then the next day very early in the morning I woke up five or six times having watery diarreah. Kept pooping throughout the day. Then on Monday, the water diarreah continued and am starting to form a fever. My stomach sounds like a water cooler...  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Fièvre

#wingstop #sparks #nevada #us

We stopped for lunch Saturday July 16th,2016

There were 8 of us who ate here, 4 of us that had cheeseburgers are all sick. Upset stomach, diarrhea, vomiting Sunday evening. Contacted Dr., Monday a.m. was instructed what to look for (blood in stool) other than that it… Voir plus

#sparks #nevada #us