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Skin Rash

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dr. Pepper Les employés étaient condescendants avec moi à propos de ma commande, ils m'ont demandé cinq fois ce que je voulais et tout ce que je voulais, c'était un grand dr. Pepper J'ai fait un pas et je suis immédiatement tombé malade, j'avais très nausée, je… Voir plus

#mcdonalds #tucson #arizona #us #poivre

I got scombroid poisoning from fresh salmon from in August 2019 I bought the Salmon at 6:18 pm. Took it home and grilled it. I ate a tiny piece (fingertip size) and had feeling of nausea and a little bit of vomit in my throat. The next… Voir plus

#aldi #shakopee #minnesota #us #euh #poisson #saumon

I had the paleo bowl on last Saturday eve, May 9th, 2020, picked it up at 7:20pm, it was left on a table marked with alphabetical letters since we have the covid virus going on. Took the food home, and I was sick the next morning. I… Voir plus

#chipotlemexicangrill #dallas #texas #us #visitechezlemédecin #bol

Snapper fish I got sick , about 15 to 20 mins after eating the fish , I got dizzy , and followed by my dizziness I had diarrhea, then after that vomiting !!! Next morning I woke up with swelling in my face accompanied by rash !!   | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements, Vertiges, Douleur d'estomac, Rash cutané, Gonflement

#newyork #us #poisson

Lately We have been eating at home For the covid-19 virus. But Friday afternoon I went out to buy groceries and ordered take out. My husband got sick after one and a half hour of eating his burger. He got diarrea and stomach ache, fortunately this lasted… Voir plus

#jackinthebox #chulavista #california #us #burger

Je ne sais pas, mais la seule chose que j'ai mangée et que ma femme n'a pas mangée était un ananas qui avait été coupé dans le frigo pendant environ une semaine.

Détresse gastro-intestinale intense (crampes et diarrhée sauvage)
Des démangeaisons soudaines dans des endroits aléatoires… Voir plus

#desmoines #iowa #us #ananas

Hello. I ate a burger on saturday, March ,14, 2020 around 11am and shortly after eating I started feeling itchy and getting red bumps all over my body and I went to the ER twice. I have food poisoning. That was the only thing I ate that day before I started feeling itchy. I have photos as proof.  | Symptômes: Autre, Rash cutané

#mcdonalds #playadelcarmen #quintanaroo #mx #euh #burger

I drank a cup of cranberry juice that was in the fridge (was opened 3 days before I had a cup) has diarrhea, nausea and skin irritation (itchy pimples on the skin, all over my body) and headache and fever  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Fièvre, Maux, Rash cutané

#tyre #southgovernorate #lb #jus

We were dining only at this restaurants within the resort. My husband started feeling a bit uncomfortable after having the lunch buffet but we didn’t think it is a big problem. After the dinner, he started to feel more nausea. The next day, we were checking out… Voir plus

#buffet #cancun #quintanaroo #mx

After my children (5) ate there food. My second youngest start to complain about her tummy. 2 hours later she started throwing up. About an hour later the rest of my children started throwing up pooping on themselves. They have fevers my second youngest has hives and… Voir plus

#pizzahut #goldsboro #northcarolina #us