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Marcos Pizza Empoisonnement alimentaire

Marcos Pizza Empoisonnement alimentaire

Il est possible d'avoir une intoxication alimentaire à partir de la pizza. La pâte à pizza sous-cuite contient de la farine crue qui n'a pas été traitée pour tuer les germes et les bactéries, de sorte qu'elle peut contenir E. coli ou Salmonella. La diarrhée et les nausées sont les symptômes les plus fréquemment rapportés d'une intoxication alimentaire Marco's Pizza.

Dernière mise à jour:

#Marco's pizza


Marco's Pizza, Broad Street, Sumter, SC, USA

il y a 4 ans reported by user-jjrfq233 détails

Meatball bake I ate the meatball bake Monday night. I added steak and grilled chicken to it. Something tasted sour in it. Late monday night into Tuesday morning i started to feel sick. Tuesday morning around 9:30 am, i vomited all over my floor and bed. Symptoms… Voir plus

#marcospizza #sumter #southcarolina #us #poulet #boulettedeviande #steak #pouletgrillé


Marco's Pizza, Broad Street, Sumter, SC, USA

il y a 4 ans reported by user-zxgz6251 détails

Ordered two medium pizzas. One sausage and the other pepperoni. Watery and bloody diarrhea after eating here Friday night, It happened that night and the next morning with me and my grandson. It lasted all weekend and part of the next week.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée

#marcospizza #sumter #southcarolina #us #pepperoni #saucisse


Marco's Pizza, Ohio 28, Milford, OH, USA

il y a 4 ans reported by user-BP 8f75a7bf-680d-4ef5-98b7-c94ca931134f détails

Two of us had cheese and pepperoni pizza , We ate late last night and I woke up this morning feeling sick with nausea and diarrhea, headache, body aches and feeling cold. My youngest daughter ate another slice for lunch and is now having the same symptoms as me.   | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Maux, Douleur corporelle

#marcospizza #milford #ohio #us #fromage #pepperoni #pizza


Marco's Pizza, Taylor Rd, Montgomery, Alabama, USA

il y a 4 ans reported by user-BP 747b4a74-0b43-4831-838f-9d1c0960f6c5 détails

Large deluxe pizza, Picked up the pizza 9:30, my wife and I are 2 slices each. Around 11 PM started to feel nauseous, my wife was laying down and had to rush to the bathroom with diarrhea and started vomiting. I soon started in another bathroom. This… Voir plus

#marcospizza #montgomery #alabama #us #pizza


Marco's Pizza, Bridge Street, Evesham, UK

il y a 4 ans reported by user-fttw2888 détails

Had a chicken shish kebab and have been on the toilet with severe Diarrhea for the past 6 hours. Not a nice thing to get after paying for a service. I would rather not feel the sensation of liquid falling from my a**s.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée

#marcospizza #evesham #england #gb #poulet

Hier soir, j'ai acheté une grande pizza aux poivrons verts et aux oignons rouges. Ma copine et moi l'ont mangé une heure plus tard. Elle avait 2 tranches et j'en ai eu 4. Elle s'est endormie et était vraiment gazeuse. Elle a commencé à ressentir des douleurs… Voir plus

#marcospizza #mayfieldheights #ohio #us #pizza


Marco's Pizza, North Belvedere Boulevard, Memphis, TN, USA

il y a 5 ans reported by user-Instabot user 194340704 détails

I was picking up a free pizza from Marcos pizza because i complained about tge way i was treated on the phone and the manager agreed that the employees actions were inappropriate so he credited me a free pizza.i got s hours after eating the " free… Voir plus

#marcospizza #memphis #tennessee #us #pizza

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