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Food Safety Reports: Columbia, South Carolina, United States


Recent Reports

Suspected food poisoning. Symptoms: Nausea, Vomiting
Suspected source: Coffee
Onset: Right away
Duration: Less than 4 hours
Sick: Me
Additional information: Finished a medium caramel iced coffee from McDonald’s and immediately threw all of it up.  | Symptoms: Nausea, Vomiting

#mcdonalds #columbia #southcarolina #us #coffee

Just before Halloween now I didn’t know  I was sick and I kept eating the cereal a whole month Granola, Quaker oat double bag from Costco, I have really been eating this for the last three months. I’m just glad I finally received a post from the… See more

#costco #quakeroats #columbia #southcarolina #us #doctorvisit #granola #quaker #cereal

Suspected food poisoning. Symptoms: Diarrhea, Nausea, Stomach Pain
Suspected source: Chicken
Onset: 12 to 24 hours
Duration: Several days
Sick: 2 people
Additional information: We are both pooping green. Wendy's was the only thing we ate last night  | Symptoms: Diarrhea, Nausea, Stomach Pain

#wendys #columbia #southcarolina #us #chicken

I ate @30 small purple grapes, and I immediately had to vomit. I have nausea, my head is hurting, and I really feel like crap. I'm currently sitting on the toilet while typing this. Not sure what to do.  | Symptoms: Nausea, Vomiting, Headache

#columbia #southcarolina #us #grapes

Suspected food poisoning. Symptoms: Diarrhea, Nausea, Vomiting, Stomach Pain, Cramps, Chills, Headache
Suspected source: my lunch at Kairos
Onset: 12 to 24 hours
Duration: 12 to 24 hours  | Symptoms: Diarrhea, Nausea, Vomiting, Stomach Pain, Cramps, Chills, Headache

#columbia #southcarolina #us #chicken

I ate these cookies at the end of my school day around 1pm and when I got to work about 3-4 hours later I felt weird and sort of sick out of nowhere and threw up neon yellow/green clear throw up. I’ve been nauseous, I cannot hold anything down. HORRIBLE.  | Symptoms: Nausea, Diarrhea, Vomiting

#kroger #columbia #southcarolina #us #chocolate #cookie #milk #pepperidgefarm