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Giant Eagle Onions and prepared products containing onions - recalled due to Salmonella Newport Outbreak

vor 3 Jahren source www.fda.gov

Recall notice

United States

Company name: Giant Eagle
Brand name: Giant Eagle
Product recalled: Onions and prepared products containing onions
Reason of the recall: Salmonella
FDA Recall date: August 06, 2020
Recall details: After receiving notification from onion supplier, Onion 52, that the vendor had sourced onions affected by the recent salmonella-related Thomson International, Inc. onion recall for Giant Eagle, the company pulled all impacted product on Saturday, August 1.

Giant Eagle recalled red, yellow and white onions sold in produce departments across Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Indiana and Maryland. The recall also includes select prepared foods items that included the affected onions as ingredients sold across the same five states. The recall announcement is regarding potential salmonella contamination of the onions.

Out of an abundance of caution, Giant Eagle promptly removed these products on Saturday, August 1, from its produce and prepared foods departments as soon as it became apparent that some of its onion product may have been affected by the ongoing salmonella outbreak investigation by the FDA and CDC. Three are no reported illnesses among Giant Eagle customers to date associated with this recall.

Salmonella, an organism which can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, frail or elderly people, and others with weakened immune systems, can cause salmonellosis. Salmonellosis is one of the most common bacterial foodborne illnesses, and some symptoms of salmonellosis are diarrhea, abdominal cramps and a fever anywhere between 12 to 72 hours after consumption. This illness can last between four to seven days.

- Recalled Onions Sold in Giant Eagle Produce Departments

Giant Eagle has recalled all bulk and bagged red, yellow and white onions sold in its produce department since June 6, 2020.

Customers who have purchased the affected product and are still in possession of it should dispose of it. Customers may also bring in the qualifying receipt to their local Giant Eagle or Market District location to receive a refund on their purchase of the impacted product. For questions, customers may contact Onions52 at (801) 773-0630 or by email at customerservice@onions52.com.

- Recalled Prepared Foods Items with Onion as Ingredient

Giant Eagle’s onion recall also included select prepared foods items purchase since July 25, 2020 that include onion as an ingredient. You can see the full impacted items list on the link below.

Customers who have purchased the affected product and are still in possession of it should dispose of it. Customers may also bring in the qualifying receipt to their local Giant Eagle or Market District location to receive a refund on their purchase of the impacted product. Consumers with questions may contact Giant Eagle at 1-800-553-2324 Monday through Friday 9AM – 9PM.

Check the full recall details on www.fda.gov

Source: FDA

#gianteagle #us #salmonellen #onion

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