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Rapports de sécurité alimentaire: Goldsboro, North Carolina, United States

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Rapports récents

Le 20/9/2019, j'ai déjeuné avec ma mère. J'ai acheté le repas sandwich Southern TLC Filet. Plus tard ce soir-là, j'ai eu de la fièvre et du froid, puis de la diarrhée. Ce dimanche, je suis allé à l'hôpital à cause de douleurs abdominales, j'ai été déshydraté. J'ai… Voir plus

#zaxbys #goldsboro #northcarolina #us #salmonella #sandwich

My friend is 6 months pregnant. She ate a tuna sandwich at approximately 8:30pm. Her stomach hurt afterward, so she went and laid down. Around 11:30pm she woke up with nausea, vomiting, fever, and diarrhea. She has been up all night with these symptoms.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Fièvre, Nausée, Vomissements

#firehousesubs #goldsboro #northcarolina #us #sandwich #thon

I ordered the Bacon Turkey Bravo Sandwich as well as the Mac&Cheese. We went in near their closing time- about an hour before they closed- and not only was the food cold, but the Mac&Cheese was goppy and soggy.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements

#panerabread #goldsboro #northcarolina #us #bacon #fromage #sandwich #turquie

Je me suis réveillé au milieu de la nuit en transpirant avec d'horribles nausées et des étourdissements. J'ai eu la diarrhée et j'ai essayé de retourner me coucher. Je me suis réveillé à nouveau avec des frissons et des nausées et a fini par vomir. J'ai toujours la diarrhée.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements, Vertiges, Frissons, Transpiration

#walmart #goldsboro #northcarolina #us

Me, my boyfriend, and his dad all ate at Wendy’s on New Years. I only had a small bite of my boyfriend Jr Baconnader (I had new tongue piercing so it was hard to eat.) 3 hours later my boyfriend was throwing up for nearly 9 hours. His dad and I had abdominal pains and diarrhea.

#wendys #goldsboro #northcarolina #us

Ordered two pizzas last night, one pepperoni, mushroom and pineapple. The other was a free supreme. I felt horrible last night after eating 2 of the first one I mentioned, but this was after drinking beer all night so I assumed it was from the booze. Fast… Voir plus

#papajohns #goldsboro #northcarolina #us #champignon #pepperoni #pizza #ananas

My girlfriend and I are fans of Smithfield Barbecue, but we've eaten at the family new location in Goldsboro twice and have gotten ill both times. It's the only commonality in what we've eaten on those two occasions, so we are confident it was Smithfield's. We've since… Voir plus

#goldsboro #northcarolina #us

I got a Spicy Cesar Salad w/ grilled chiken substituted for the spicy stuff. I actually thought it would be better for my stomach! Ate around 6pm and realized most of the lettuce was browned and discolored. Ate it anyway as it was my dinner. It's 10 now and feeling nauseous.  | Symptômes: Nausée

#wendys #goldsboro #northcarolina #us #laitue #salade