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Relatórios de segurança alimentar: Lake Grove, New York, United States



Shake Shack, Smith Haven Plaza, Lake Grove, NY, USA

há 4 anos reported by user-mwdp8868 detalhes

Ate a smokehouse burger and crinkle fries around 8pm Sunday 6/24/19 and went to bed around 10. At around 1am I threw up and then again in the morning and felt so sick I had to call out of work. This was the only thing I ate all day other than coffee and vitamin water early in the day.  | Sintomas: Náusea, Vomitando

#shakeshack #lakegrove #newyork #us #burger #coffee #fries


Shake Shack, Smith Haven Plaza, Lake Grove, NY, EUA

há 5 anos reported by user-vqqd3582 detalhes

2-3 horas depois de comer cólicas estomacais, tonturas, náuseas, fraqueza. Em seguida, febre baixa. Encontrei um cabelo em shake-hmmm ainda tenho metade do shake no meu freezer.
Vou ligar para o DOH e ver se eles podem testá-lo.  | Sintomas: Diarreia, Febre, Náusea, fraqueza, Cãibras, Tontura, Agitando

#shakeshack #lakegrove #newyork #us #shake

Me and my boyfriend went there Friday and we got the egg roll app, i got shrimp scampi and he got some chicken with mashed potatoes and an original cheesecake and a strawberry cheesecake. We both got food poisoning , our stomachs were in pain for a… Veja mais

#thecheesecakefactory #lakegrove #newyork #us #cheesecake #chicken #shrimp #strawberry #egg #scampi #mashedpotatoes #roll

A friend and I are sick after eating at the Lake Grove, NY location. We ordered the chicken burger last night and this morning we both woke up vomiting. It was the only thing we had last night.  | Sintomas: Diarreia, Vomitando

#shakeshack #lakegrove #newyork #us #burger #chicken #chickenburger

Are around 1pm, started feeling nauseas around 5, started getting sick around 6 and continuing on through the night and still ongoing at 10am the next day. I ate a sandwich that contained grilled chicken, avocado, and bacon and had some macaroni and cheese  | Sintomas: Diarreia, Náusea, Vomitando

#panerabread #lakegrove #newyork #us #avocado #bacon #cheese #chicken #sandwich #macaroni #grilledchicken

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