User profile: user-nhrcf798
为了见面披萨,它昨晚送达了,有几块,从 2 小时以后整个晚上开始,直到今天都让我病得很严重。我正在遭受严重的胃痉挛和腹痛,我的腹部膨胀和恶心感。尝到的比萨饼像奶酪被蜡覆盖着沉重的香料一样,我相信可能奶酪被破坏或肉被变质,或者两者都在重香料中覆盖了它有气味的事实。
现在是 2020 年 11 月 22 日下午 6 点。吃了两条鸡大腿和土豆泥,不久之后,真的生病了 102 的发烧,偏头痛和寒冷的恶心感。
11/23/2020 我还在处理恶心问题和头痛。
11/23/2020 我还在处理恶心问题和头痛。
Monterey burger fries and tea gave me nausea, diarrhea and stomach cramps and sweating.
I had cooked raw cabbage from Kroger and boiled it like I have done for many years. This head of cabbage got me very sick. Feeling of vomiting and constant…
El Rancho Supermercado 我昨晚购买了分开的预先调味的排骨,一个小时后出现了腹泻和胃痉挛,一直持续到第二天,情况变得更糟。我不相信那里的肉被清洗过包装和正确展示。
coffee - 1 got sick and sneezing within minutes of finishing coffee and stomach cramps an hour later
Had chicken nuggets and a spicy sandwich which resulted in severe stomach cramps and diarrhea.
This place always served bad food but today it was really bad and you should avoid this establishment as it is not a very good place.
This place always served bad food but today it was really bad and you should avoid this establishment as it is not a very good place.