User profile: user-tpcdv254
有火鸡俱乐部了土耳其味道不好。面包闻起来和味道都很腐烂。培根被咬到 6 小时后无法控制的呕吐腹泻不得不打电话给医生让药物停止腹泻和呕吐。这个地方需要检查或关闭
吃餐厅的食物吃了典型的墨西哥菜的午餐。包括大米和豆类。冰茶的味道像下水道。2个人。它发生在 2022 年 1 月 25 日
7/19/21 有香肠蛋 McMuffin。早上 8:30没有喝咖啡的咖啡表示需要 20 分钟才能制作。真是个笑话。香肠鸡蛋 McMuffin 有未煮过的松饼。三明治松饼里有橙色的东西有点湿了
腹泻恶心呕吐 @ 8:30 PM。整夜胃痉挛呕吐腹泻。一直持续到 7/20/21 下午 3 点。这家商店应该关闭。人们总是生病
腹泻恶心呕吐 @ 8:30 PM。整夜胃痉挛呕吐腹泻。一直持续到 7/20/21 下午 3 点。这家商店应该关闭。人们总是生病
Both people with in 12 hours. Sick in bathroom for hours. Split between us, potato salad, banana pudding, pulled pork, brisket moist. This is the 3rd time with in 2019 year eaten at this location. Something is wrong here.
chocolate brownie blizzard. Melted very fast. Not very cold., 1 person in a party of 3. Person sick had chocolate ice cream. The other two had vanilla ice cream