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Mariano's, 1800 W Lawrence Ave, Chicago, IL, USA

vor 3 Jahren

Mariano's, 1800 W Lawrence Ave, Chicago, IL, USA

1800 West Lawrence Avenue, Chicago, 60640 Illinois, United States

Report date: Jun 9, 2020
10. Adequate handwashing sinks properly supplied and accessible
- comments: observed improper hot water temperature at hand washing sink in front meat serving area at 94. 5f, hot water temperature at hand washing sink at smoothie/gelato bar found at 73. 4f and hot water temperature at hand washing sink in family restroom on first floor found at 83. 9f. Instructed manager hot water temperature must be at least 100. 0f through a mixing valve or combination faucet. Priority violation. 7-38-030(c).

14. Required records available: shellstock tags, parasite destruction
- comments: observed establishment is selling clams with no shellstock tag attached to food item on display (meat department). Upon arriving, employee was sorting out tags in small filing folder without record of the last shellstock sold on tag. Instructed manager shellstock tags must remain attached to the containers in which the shellstock are recieved until the container is empty. Also, when the last shellstock is sold/served you must record the date on the tag and keep on file for 90 days. Priority foundation. 7-38-005.

21. Proper hot holding temperatures
- comments: observed pulled pork and beef brisket at an improper hot holding temperature at rear pizza/sandwich prep area. Temperature of pulled pork found at 129. 4f and temperature of beef brisket found at 130. 2f. Instructed manager proper hot holding temperature must be at 135. 0f or higher. Instructed manager to discard and denature food immediately. Food weighing approximately 150 lbs at a cost of approximately $300. 00. Priority violation. 7-38-005.

33. Proper cooling methods used; adequate equipment for temperature control
- comments: observed an improper ambient temperature of 120. 5f in hot holding unit at rear pizza prep area. Instructed manager proper ambient temperature must be at 135. 0f or higher throughout hot holding unit to properly store food items. Tagged hot holding unit held for inspection. Must contact cdph for re-inspection. Priority violation. 7-38-005.

38. Insects, rodents, & animals not present
- comments: observed no pest control log book during time of inspection. Instructed manager to provide a contract with a licensed exterminator who will provide insect and vermin services at the establishment at least twice a year. The log book must also include a copy of the reports as well as the illinois department of public health pest control license number. Priority foundation. 7-38-020(c).

39. Contamination prevented during food preparation, storage & display
- comments: observed numerous of milk crates stored directly on floor in walk in cooler in rear dairy section. Must elevate at least 6 inches above the floor to prevent contamination.

47. Food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
- comments: observed cutting boards in rear meat prep area with dark stains and deep grooves. Instructed to detail clean/powerwash and maintain.

53. Toilet facilities: properly constructed, supplied, & cleaned
- comments: observed no available toilet paper in family restroom on first floor. Must provide toilet paper at all times. Priority foundation. 7-38-010.

Source: chicago.gov

#marianos #rodents #chicago #illinois #us #beef #pizza #sandwich #pork #clams #meat #milk #brisket #pulledpork

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