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{Final_Result|Rapport sur la sécurité alimentaire} - Hibachi, Sachse Texas

il y a 2 ans reported by user-hkfzq853 entreprise

Bar à sushi et bar Osaka Hibachi, South State Highway 78, Sachse, Texas, États-Unis

5120 South State Highway 78, Sachse, 75048 Texas, United States

J'ai vu le chef utiliser le même couteau et la même spatule sur du poulet cru pour servir mes plats cuisinés. J'ai acheté ça samedi soir. Le chef a utilisé le même couteau sur du poulet cru pour couper le steak cuit ; il a utilisé à plusieurs reprises la même spatule pour toucher du poulet cru et servir des aliments cuits sur le gril. Je me suis levée tôt le dimanche matin à cause de la diarrhée et hier soir (dimanche) j'ai développé une gastrite. J'avais tellement de nausées, de ballonnements, de flatulences et de crampes avec des courbatures. J'ai une sensation de brûlure constante dans mon estomac. C'est lundi matin et je souffre toujours. J'ai à peine dormi la nuit dernière ou samedi soir à cause de toute la douleur. Je me sens tellement malade. J'ai déjà eu une gastrite due à une intoxication alimentaire et c'est la même sensation. | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Douleur corporelle, gaz, Crampes, ballonnements, Flatulences

#hibachi #foodsafetyissue #raw #sachse #texas #unitedstates #gastrite #poulet #steak


Why would you eat the food after seeing this…?

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I am OP and I honestly don’t appreciate the tone of this. I already feel stupid enough as it is. I very nearly did not make a claim on here because I was embarrassed. If you really most know why, when my brain finally connected the dots as to what I had just witnessed I had already eaten some of the food. I brought it up with the people I went out to eat with and they all assured me it was fine and that the temp of the food was enough to kill salmonella on contact. They all said that when he set his spatula down on or near the grill the heat from the cooktop would be enough to kill it, that the food was too hot for salmonella to survive, and that all hibachi does it this way so not to worry. I guess I figured that if this is the way it’s done then it must be okay, must be too hot of a process for anything to survive if it’s still steaming once it’s on the plate. After all the griddle is hot enough to cook the food in front of you within like, a couple minutes, and you can feel the heat of it from where you’re sitting. Well four days later and I’m still screwed up. Every night I’m retching and my stomach is still on fire all of the time.


OP - I agree with you 100%. Do NOT feel embarrassed. When you are out for dinner there can be a lot of distractions, and some things are not obviously harmful. So sorry to hear what happened, and sorry it's lasting so long 😞

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