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Rapport par

Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada

Mise à jour:

The flamethrower burger Two of us got sick and it took about 5hours to show symptoms of nausea vomiting and diarrhea. For me it was bad stomach ache and bloating.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements, ballonnements, Douleur d'estomac

#dairyqueen #nanaimo #britishcolumbia #ca #burger

I ate a variety of food from one restaurant. I ate half of a cheese burger,maybe a quarter of my fries and gravy, the burger was made from a frozen beef patty and the stuff on the burger was all over so I went to straighten it… Voir plus

#nanaimo #britishcolumbia #ca #beef #burger #cheese #fries #lettuce #gravy

Pizza or maybe cookies My daughter ate 2 slices of pizza at 1 pm. Then at 3 pm she ate 2 cookies. Then at 4-30 pm she started to feel pain in tummy. Then at 5 she wormit a lot. Then keep wormit while sleeping. She wake up and puke a bit . Then fall asleep then wake up and puke  | Symptômes: Vomissements, Douleur d'estomac

#nanaimo #britishcolumbia #ca #pizza


Little Caesars Pizza, Bowen Road, Nanaimo, BC, Canada

il y a 4 ans reported by user-fzchx724 détails

Almost had to get my stomach pumped this morning thats how much pain i am in after eating at this place!! I thought i was going to die from acid burn! I ate a few peaces of pizza! I instantly felt sick! I have been having nasea,… Voir plus

#littlecaesarspizza #nanaimo #britishcolumbia #ca #pizza

Had Chicken Crunch Sandwich and Macaroni Salad at KFC Taco Bell. Had meal at around 7 pm. Symptoms developed overnight and last all of the next day. Onset of symptoms: 12-14 hours. I was the only one that had this food combo so I'm thinking it was one of these items.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Fièvre, Nausée

#tacobell #nanaimo #britishcolumbia #ca #chicken #salad #sandwich #taco #macaroni


Tim Hortons, Nanaimo, C.-B., Canada

il y a 5 ans reported by user-ghxkp111 détails

Je mange des enveloppements de petit-déjeuner Tim Hortons tout le temps depuis deux ans et même si je les aime chaque fois que je les mange, j'ai d'horribles douleurs abdominales et de gaz, j'ai l'impression que c'est peut-être mon estomac, mais quelque chose me dit qu'ils ne font pas les choses correctement.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, gaz

#timhortons #nanaimo #britishcolumbia #ca


7-Eleven, 1602 Bowen Rd, Nanaimo, BC, Canada

il y a 6 ans reported by user-jkrm5972 détails

I had ordered 3 peices of chicken around almost midnight last Wednesday and a quater pounds hotdog. Then my stomach feel really bad. The next day I have diarrhea evertime I ate a things. Then it keeping getting worse I whole body feel sick until today I finally start to get better.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée

#7eleven #nanaimo #britishcolumbia #ca #chicken #hotdog

Les 30 derniers jours