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Rapports de sécurité alimentaire: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Mise à jour:

On my first visit which was late last year, when I got home and got ready for bed I feel like something was wrong with my stomach I started vomiting to the point where I couldn’t reach the toilet I had to call in sick for work… Voir plus

#vancouver #britishcolumbia #canada #moules #huîtres

Bought Big Mac & Chicken Nuggets 6 pcs, Sh**ting my brains out. Last time, I ate a junior chicken from the same location. I had to s**t immediately. Workers probably didn’t wash their hands. Other locations in that area are fine.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée

#mcdonalds #vancouver #britishcolumbia #canada #poulet #nuggetsdepoulet #bigmac

Ate a donair on Friday 6th September 2019. Partner was extremely sick the next day with vomiting and diarrhea and general malaise. I was symptom free until today (Sunday 8th) and then developed violent vomiting and diarrhea also. Definitely food poisoning! This is the ONLY place we… Voir plus

#vancouver #britishcolumbia #canada

My partner and I went to this location as we often do about two days ago on September 6 in the evening.
The next morning around 5am i woke with a feeling of nausea and almost immediately threw up. Which then lead to a painful rotation of… Voir plus

#vancouver #britishcolumbia #canada #poulet

N'ALLEZ PAS ICI ! ! Évitez à tout prix ! Je ne sais pas combien ils ont payé Vancouver Foodie, mais elle a fait sonner et avoir l'air comme si cet endroit était si bon et ce n'est pas le cas ! Si vous voulez une intoxication… Voir plus

#vancouver #britishcolumbia #canada #lait

Mangé vers 13h, j'ai mangé du rendang, du riz à la noix de coco et des beignets de maïs à partager avec mon bébé de 8 mois et j'ai mangé moi-même du balado aux œufs.

J'ai eu de la diarrhée, des maux d'estomac, des gaz horribles et des nausées.

Ma fille a eu de la diarrhée et maintenant de la fièvre. Je viens de lui donner du tylenol pour nourrisson et j'essaie de la refroidir.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Fièvre, Nausée, gaz

#vancouver #britishcolumbia #canada #maïs #riz #oeuf

I was a regular until getting poisoned by their food. Ordered the Splitz Burger at lunch, by mid -ay I was unwell, the evening was unbearable which continued for two days - taking over a week to recover from the food poisoning. The place is dirty and needs to be cleaned up.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements

#vancouver #britishcolumbia #canada #burger

Happened August 16th. Had a pulled pork sub at around 8pm. 6 hours later was stuck vomiting from 330am - 10am. Was left nauseous and fatigued the rest of the day. Out of commission for 48hrs.  | Symptômes: Fièvre, Nausée, Vomissements

#subway #vancouver #britishcolumbia #canada #sous-catégorie #porc #porceffiloché

My nephew ate an Italian menu with jalapeño chipotle sauce lettuce pickles tomatoes in a flat bread. Got nausea next morning and all afternoon. Extreme cramps followed by vomiting for next 12 hours. Vomiting eventually to “blank” vomiting. Ate this on July 23 at 6pm.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements, Crampes

#subway #vancouver #britishcolumbia #canada #pain #italien #laitue

Had butter chicken for dinner. Slept at 12am. Woke up at 1:30am needing to use the toilet. Been going every 20 mins at least since then. Diarrhea won’t stop.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Fièvre, Nausée

#vancouver #britishcolumbia #canada #poulet #beurre