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Rapport par

Rapports de sécurité alimentaire: Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

Mise à jour:

Fish poisoning My husband and me bought fish from there and got real sick for two weeks
tingling and burning around the mouth facial flushing and sweating nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea headache palpitations and dizziness rash.
I went for blood test and it was confirmed that i have Fish poisoning.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements, Maux, Vertiges, Transpiration, Rash cutané

#blood #pretoria #gauteng #za #hôpital #fish

Ate a McChicken burger and chicken nuggets and fries.... 2 hours later I vommited everything out and had explosive diarrhea. Very disappointed!!!!!!!  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements

#mcdonalds #pretoria #gauteng #za #burger #chicken #fries #mcchicken #chickennuggets

Baught 10 dunked wings, boxmeal, double crunch burger and 2 mash and gravy and large pop i could feel in a ours time tummy pain and cramps then nexst day husband started getting diaree my son also diaree, nausea and vomiting later that eving i to got… Voir plus

#pretoria #gauteng #za #burger #wings #gravy


Roman's Pizza, Elarduspark, Pretoria, Afrique du Sud

il y a 5 ans reported by user-nmvq6453 détails

J'ai une pizza sans gluten pour mon mari. Nous avons mangé une pizza normale. Je l'ai acheté après 8 heures du soir. Tôt le lendemain matin, mon mari a commencé à avoir de la diarrhée. Il était malade comme un chien et très faible ce soir-là.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, La faiblesse

#pretoria #gauteng #za #pizza

On the 09 september 2018 around 15:30 with a friend we buyed takeways at local shop at Villieria cnr 24 Avenue & Nico Smith Pretoria. We orderd a pap with beef stews and i wakeup this morning feeling like to vomit and not feeling well inside stamac… Voir plus

#pretoria #gauteng #za #beef

Les 30 derniers jours