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Rapports de sécurité alimentaire: Fresno, California, United States

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Rapports récents

My whole family love eating at this restaurant but this afternoon, the broccoli beef tasted sour, my kids had the teriyaki chicken and did not eat it as it had a sour taste as well. As of tonight we are all sick of diarrhea and stomach pain… Voir plus

#pandaexpress #fresno #california #us #boeuf #brocoli #poulet #teriyaki

Me and my wife got it 3/27/2020 around 08:36 pm. We ordeeedy two bowls and a side order of chips and guac.i saw that the guac was a little bit brown so I scrapped off the brown parts took one bite and realized it was brownisg greenish all around. I immediately threw it away.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements

#chipotlemexicangrill #fresno #california #us #chips

I ate around 2:00pm, I had just bought the food after getting off work, put away the other groceries and cooked up the steaks like I normally do. Everything was fine, me and my fiance went to go take a nap, I woke up in a cold… Voir plus

#walmart #fresno #california #us #steak

Stuffed grape leaves I am Only one that bought & ate stuffed grape leaves from deli went home had 2-3 of them started having nausea & diarrhea, stomach cramps ,chills & headache approx 1-2 hours after & still sick same symptoms 2days later . Should not have… Voir plus

#fresno #california #us #feuillesdevigne

I ate a pollo bowl 2 people ate and got sick. Symptoms started about2 hours after eating and began with severe cramping, nausea, and then proceeded all night with bloody diarrhea and vomiting. My cramping is very severe. I'm feeling nauseous, lightheaded, and in alot of pain.… Voir plus

#elpolloloco #fresno #california #us #bol

This happen Thursday at about 12 in the afternoon during lunch. I ordered the sour dough jack, notice the burger had a bit of a weird taste but thought it was cause of the coffee I drank 30min before, after eating my food about an hour later… Voir plus

#jackinthebox #fresno #california #us #burger #café