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Rapports de sécurité alimentaire: Bossier City, Louisiana, United States

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Rapports récents

I had a bacon burger, drys, and a chocolate shake from Whataburger and about an hour later started to feel like I was dying, I was the only one who ate there. Started about 30 nine to an hour later  | Symptômes: Vomissements, Nausée, Diarrhée

#whataburger #bossiercity #louisiana #us #bacon #burger #chocolat #secouez #shakeauchocolat

Since I ate at the establishment, I have not been able to hold an appetite, keep food on my stomach, or even stop going to the bathroom every 5 seconds. But who can forget about the strong nausea as well.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Fièvre, Nausée, Vomissements

#chuckecheeses #bossiercity #louisiana #us

The wife bought us a 10 piece tender family meal with mashed potatoes and red beans with rice. We ate at 6:30 pm Friday the 21st and about 12:30am we both woke up vomiting and had diarrhea and have been nauseas ever since we ate. My daughter… Voir plus

#popeyes #bossiercity #louisiana #us #riz #puréedepommesdeterre

I ate a fritto burrito yesterday & as soon as I finished it I felt sick & ever since I’ve been stuck in bed with the cold shakes & bad diarrhea. I almost can’t stand the pain in my stomach.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Fièvre, Nausée

#tacobell #bossiercity #louisiana #us #burrito

Hier, mon mari a acheté un sac de pépites de poulet surgelées Great Value. J'en ai mangé et environ deux à trois heures plus tard, j'ai commencé à avoir des nausées et des crampes d'estomac. J'ai fini par vomir plusieurs fois au cours de la nuit et… Voir plus

#walmart #bossiercity #louisiana #us #burrito #poulet #pépite #nuggetsdepoulet

I ordered the Fuji apple salad and a chicken salad sandwich, on March 19 and within 3 hours of eating it, I had horrible diarrhea and nausea. That was the only thing I ate all day so I know it was from Panera. My stomach still isn't back to normal and it's been 5 days.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée

#panerabread #bossiercity #louisiana #us #poulet #salade #sandwich #saladedepoulet