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Rapports de sécurité alimentaire: Canton, Michigan, United States

Mise à jour:


Burger King, Ford Road, Canton, MI, United States

il y a 7 ans reported by user-fwrv3389 détails

30 minutes after having a whopper i experienced vertigo. 90 minutes after eating i experienced extreme vertigo with vomiting. No fever or diarrhea. After vomiting 3 times i went to bed and slept all night. I woke up without any symptoms.  | Symptômes: Vomissements

#burgerking #canton #michigan #us #whopper


KFC, Ford Road, Canton, MI, United States

il y a 7 ans reported by user-hkmx4635 détails

I was excited to see the Nashville Hot Chicken was back, I had it earlier this year in California. If was delicious, but it gave me diarrhea. Only lasted 24 hours, but it was about every hour, and I felt like crap the rest of the day.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée

#kfc #canton #michigan #us #poulet

I avoided this place after I got severe diarrhea after eating their Turkey Reuben sandwich. Now, I got nausea and vomiting, then diarrhea after eating their Slim Jim sandwich.  | Symptômes: Nausée, Vomissements

#canton #michigan #us #sandwich #turquie #slimjim


Wendy's, Ford Road, Canton, MI, United States

il y a 7 ans reported by user-vxvcm895 détails

Knots in my stomach for two hours. Sat on the toilet for 30+ minutes with a bag up to my mouth to catch my vomit. Extremely runny diarrhea following and the knots continued even after visiting the loo.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements

#wendys #canton #michigan #us


Arby's, Ford Road, Canton, MI, United States

il y a 8 ans reported by user-rmywm374 détails

My Grandmother and I both stopped to eat at this Arby's connected to the truck stop. We both felt fine until about 20 minutes after eating our means at Arby's. Started getting a nauseas feeling and diarrhea, vomiting the following day. I had the crispy chicken sandwich… Voir plus

#arbys #canton #michigan #us #boeuf #poulet #sandwich #limonade #sandwichaupoulet #mountaindew


Boston Market, Ford Road, Canton, MI, United States

il y a 8 ans reported by user-hcgr8579 détails

I had the turkey dinner with mashed potatoes, gravy and apples. The gravy tasted off, so I quit eating, but later that night, I had severe vomiting, cramping, diarrhea and fever for the next two days. I lost two days work.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Fièvre, Vomissements

#bostonmarket #canton #michigan #us #turquie #puréedepommesdeterre #sauce

Les 30 derniers jours