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Empoisonnement alimentaire en pot de fusion

Empoisonnement alimentaire en pot de fusion

Il est possible d'avoir une intoxication alimentaire à partir de la fondue. La diarrhée et les nausées sont les symptômes les plus rapportés de l'intoxication alimentaire The Melting Pot. La salmonelle est le diagnostic le plus souvent rapporté. Les viandes crues, les fruits de mer et la volaille utilisés pour la fondue peuvent facilement être contaminées croisées ou insuffisamment cuites pour causer des maladies.

Dernière mise à jour:

#The Melting Pot

We had reservations on 12/23at 7:00. My daughter had the land and sea while the rest of the family ate steak. I have an allergy, so she cooked her shrimp after the rest of us were through cooking steak. She is the only one that became ill,… Voir plus

#themeltingpot #tacoma #washington #us #crevettes #steak

Like many others we ate out on Friday Dec. 23 at 4:30 pm. My husband and I both ordered the classic. We were violently ill starting around midnight on Christmas Eve. We spent the next several hours on the toilet with our heads in garbage cans. Ruined… Voir plus

#themeltingpot #tacoma #washington #us

We made a reservation, and ate here on Christmas Eve and I started to get sick at 2am on Christmas , and threw up every hour for four days. I'd drink water and still threw up. I also had diarrhea. Couldn't eat for four days. My brother also threw up for the first time in his life, on eve night.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements

#themeltingpot #tacoma #washington #us

Ate: Friday 23, 6:30pm
My wife and I had the same thing, the Lobster, Shrimp, Tenderloin, Chicken. Except Im gluten free so I traded my mushroom pasta for her shrimp. She ended up eating only one shrimp, I had 5. She had a little intestinal issue on… Voir plus

#themeltingpot #tacoma #washington #us #visitechezlemédecin #poulet #homard #champignon #pâtes #crevettes

I went there Wednesday the 28th and left at 8:30pm. I woke up the next day with diarrhea and nausea. I had it for 2 days and wanted to call out sick from work but the other co-worker was already on vacation. Luckily, I was able to… Voir plus

#themeltingpot #tacoma #washington #us

Me and three other friends went there on December 23rd around 4:30pm. My brother and I woke up puking on Christmas morning and were throwing up and having diarrhea all day long. Our other two friends got sick with the same symptoms the day after Christmas. This… Voir plus

#themeltingpot #tacoma #washington #us

Wife and i went to the Melting Pot on the 23rd for our annervsary. Both of us got very sick and spent all of Christmas fighting over who gets to thow up in the towlet in the bed room and who gets to sleep on the couch to throw up in the down stairs bathroom.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Vomissements

#themeltingpot #tacoma #washington #us

We ate at the Pacific Ave Melthing Pot on December 23, and were for several days, including over the Christmas weekend. Crappiest Christmas ever, and missed 2 days of work as well.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Fièvre

#themeltingpot #tacoma #washington #us

J'ai mangé au Melting Pot le 23 décembre avec deux autres personnes. J'ai mangé le plat complet et j'ai eu la sélection de viande « classique ». Dans la nuit du 25 décembre, j'ai ressenti de fortes douleurs à l'estomac, des vomissements, des nausées et une fièvre qui a duré toute la nuit et le lendemain.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Fièvre, Vomissements, Douleur d'estomac

#themeltingpot #tacoma #washington #us #viande

Went to The Melting Pot for late night happy hour with a group of girlfriends on December 23rd. To my knowledge I'm the only one in our party that got sick. Symptoms began for me at about 3am on Christmas Day. It was a brutal illness, but was resolved in about 24 hours.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Fièvre, Vomissements

#themeltingpot #tacoma #washington #us

Les 30 derniers jours