Food Safety Report: White Castle, 3132 N Harlem Ave , Chicago, Il, USA.
1 year ago •source • business
Regulatory Report
3132 North Harlem Avenue, Chicago, 60634 Illinois, United States
Report date: Nov 20, 202310. Adequate handwashing sinks properly supplied and accessible
- comments: observed water temperature at hand washing sink in women's toilet room at 145f. Water temperature at hand washing sink in men's toilet room found at 149f. Both are automatic hand sinks. A handwashing sink shall have maximum hot water temperature of 49�c (120�f) through a mixing valve or combination faucet. Priority foundation violation. 7-38-030(c). Citation issued.
54. Garbage & refuse properly disposed; facilities maintained
- comments: instructed to clean litter on ground surrounding outdoor dumpster area.
57. All food employees have food handler training
- comments: observed no proof of food handler training completion for employees. Must provide.
60. Previous core violation corrected
- comments: previous core violation not corrected from 8/11/2021, report #2523885. #47-4-501. 11--observed a torn door gasket inside of the 3 door stand-up cooler(middle door). Instructed management to replace the torn door gasket. #55-6-201. 17--instructed to replace water stained ceiling tiles in hallway leading to washrooms. #55-6-501. 12--observed dirty floors with excessive grease build up underneath the fryers. Must clean floors in detail and maintain. Priority foundation violation. 7-42-090. Citation issued.