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Relatórios de segurança alimentar: Puerto Morelos, Quintana Roo, Mexico


I became sick on my 2nd full day, diarrhea and severe stomach cramps. Since we had had only room service at this point and my travel buddy didn't eat the shrimp ceviche and is fine, within a few hours of eating, I was cramping and hitting the… Veja mais

#puertomorelos #quintanaroo #mexico #camarão #sopa

Started at 3 am Ubcontrollable diarrhea and vomiting Ate small amount of lettuce potatoes three pieces of fruit and a steak on Treasurer ship in Cancun, Otherwise otherwise all salad, fruit, and meat at resort  | Sintomas: Diarreia, Vomitando

#puertomorelos #quintanaroo #mexico #fruta #alface #salada #bife #carne

We had ribeye steak and the gyro sandwich with fries. Both my husband and I got food poisoning from there and we're exhibiting symptoms the next morning.  | Sintomas: Diarreia, Náusea, Vomitando

#puertomorelos #quintanaroo #mexico #batatasfritas #giroscópio #sanduíche #bife

intoxicação alimentar Em 5 de dezembro de 2019, almoçamos no restaurante buffet do hotel às 14h. Durante o almoço, meu bebê foi severamente envenenado por comida. Ela comeu vegetais, frutas e um pouco de carne. Às 18h ela começou a vomitar constantemente. Liguei para um médico no… Veja mais

#puertomorelos #quintanaroo #mexico #bacteriana #carne

Woke on day 5 of 5 day stay with horrible stomach cramps and diarrhea. The next morning (day of departure) my husband had the same symptoms. After being home two days and still sick we finally say doc and were treated with antibiotic. Resort claims that because… Veja mais

#puertomorelos #quintanaroo #mexico #visitamédica

My husband and I have been here for 3 days now. Yesterday we both ate breakfast at the buffet (only common denomonator) and we both spent the night and most of this morning vomiting with diarrhea , fever, chills and severe stomach pain. We've NEVER been sick… Veja mais

#puertomorelos #quintanaroo #mexico

Ok, it’s 3 rd day suffering all bad symptoms, I went with the wife to small restaurant called Le petite creperie, we ordered 3 dishes I knew that seafood can affect us so we ordered some chicken breast. We also get something to drink, I can’t figure… Veja mais

#puertomorelos #quintanaroo #mexico #galinha #frutosdomar #peitodefrango

We had a destination wedding and had over 100 guests attend the resort. About 50 of our guests were terribly ill once they returned home. It seemed like it was a case of E Coli. Many of our guests were hospitalized once they returned home. Symptoms included: vomiting, diarrhea, fever, chills,  | Sintomas: Diarreia, Febre, Náusea, Vomitando, Calafrios

#puertomorelos #quintanaroo #mexico #hospital

I started to feel very unwell here on the Friday just gone in the Japanese restaurant that I attended with the family in the evening. I ended up running to the toilet every 5-10 minutes once I got back to my apartment and that continued for most… Veja mais

#puertomorelos #quintanaroo #mexico #japonesa