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Relatórios de segurança alimentar: Bremerton, Washington, United States


Boat Shed Restaurant, 101 Shore Dr, Bremerton, WA 98310, United States

há 4 anos source detalhes

Relatório Regulatório

Date Closed: 01/22/2020

The Kitsap Public Health District, responding to a complaint, found rodent feces under the kitchen cooking equipment, under the dishwashing area and in the server food preparation area near the entrance to the kitchen. The rear door was found unsecured allowing for the possibility… Veja mais

#rodents #rats #mice #bremerton #washington #us


Burger King, Warren Avenue, Bremerton, WA, USA

há 4 anos reported by user-zgykh578 detalhes

I ate a chicken sandwich meal with fries and a lemonade. Side of honey mustard. This was around 10:30 pm, around 3am I woke up to all of my symptoms.  | Sintomas: Diarreia, Náusea, Vomitando

#burgerking #bremerton #washington #us #chicken #fries #honey #sandwich #lemonade #chickensandwich #mustard


Carl's Jr., Kitsap Way, Bremerton, WA, USA

há 4 anos reported by user-cbyy6321 detalhes

Friend and I had the American Classic Burger (#5) & Super Star Burger (#2) — tasted fine but a couple hours later the fever, sweats, vomiting, & diarrhea hit for both of us— the whole bout all night long.  | Sintomas: Diarreia, Febre, Náusea, Vomitando, Suando

#carlsjr #bremerton #washington #us #burger


Pho Tai, North Callow Avenue, Bremerton, WA, USA

há 5 anos reported by user-jhrmr556 detalhes

I love eating here, just a couple days ago I came in and ordered teriyaki. I felt fine, no symptoms of any virus, after eating the teriyaki at 9PM however, I couldn’t sleep until 2AM but I threw up a ton, and since then symptoms of food poisoning/ Stomache flu persisted.  | Sintomas: Diarreia, Náusea, Vomitando

#bremerton #washington #us #teriyaki


Taco Bell, 3320 Kitsap Way, Bremerton, WA, USA

há 5 anos reported by user-cxrk3932 detalhes

On 3/14/2019: went to the newly remodeled Taco Bell near our house and my s/o got food poisoning from a shredded chicken
quesarito with added beans. He ate at about 12:30pm and started having symptoms during his shift at work between 2-9pm. Having all usual symptoms: Diarrhea,… Veja mais

#tacobell #bremerton #washington #us #chicken #taco


Starbucks, Wheaton Way, Bremerton, WA, EUA

há 5 anos reported by user-jfcwf199 detalhes

Bebi cerca de metade do meu mocha e cerca de uma hora a hora e meia depois tive diarréia l, vômitos, náuseas, o que acabou com uma dor de cabeça horrível devido à pressão do vômito. Meu colega de trabalho também recebeu a mesma reação com seu… Veja mais

#starbucks #bremerton #washington #us #coffee #mocha

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