
星期五晚上,我和朋友在 Buffalo Wild Wings 吃了晚饭。我吃了草莓柠檬水、鸡肉卷配奶酪、生菜、烧烤酱、牧场和薯条。然后我吃了半个又软又水的三层巧克力饼干。之后我恶心了,有一条回家的路。当我回到家时,我不得不打嗝,以停止恶心然后我去洗手间得了腹泻。我必须喝煤气水才能感觉好些。我经常去伊顿敦的 buffalo Wild Wings 但我从来没有在那个地方生病过。
I had chicken tacos for lunch from a café and when I got home, it didn't settle well with my stomach. I had a stomachache and Diarrhea. I had to drink mineral sparkling water to feel better. It was in the summer of 2014, almost 2 years ago.
I was 10 and I had McDonalds breakfast food. Either it wasn't cooked enough or properly, cook didn't wash hands, or didn't settle well with my stomach. It was February 2004. Never eating McDonalds breakfast food again. I'm almost 22 and I haven't eaten it since then.