
因此,早在 2021 年 9 月,我不得不向 Lucky charms 报告生病了,从那以后我再也没有吃过谷物了,我刚在 4 月 4 日吃了儿子肉桂吐司紧缩,我也有同样的症状。Cinnamon toast crunch 我在 4 月 4 日吃了肉桂吐司紧缩,在吃完肉桂吐司后的几个小时内我开始感到非常恶心,然后在四个小时内开始呕吐,腹泻严重胃痉挛,头痛不好,感觉自己中毒了
昨天我吃了两碗幸运符和普通 1% 的有机牛奶,我儿子说闻起来像鱼妈妈,我觉得那很奇怪。吃完之后,我无法停止在嘴里打鸡蛋的味道。几个小时后我感觉不舒服。不到 24 小时后,我出现了严重的恶心,到目前为止呕吐了一次。我有绿色的便便而且我的胃在转动。我感觉太恶心了我有奶昔。我感到恐惧而且我头疼。我从来没有因为吃谷物而生病这太可怕了。

09/28 更新:感觉很恐怖但是至少我现在不会抛出或有其他问题,希望它很快就会结束,我会好起来的。我已经到了第三天我还有问题。


食品安全报告: 美国堪萨斯州欧弗兰帕克西 91 街 Chipotle Mexico Grill

I had this happen months ago and won't eat there ever again but mine was in Ohio. I talked to Chipoltle head person and I told her so many on here are having same symptoms as I did and she said if it's not more then one reported at the exact place they do nothing. She told me I called the one you went to and no one is sick but you and the employees eat there too and aren't sick. i said people probably don't know to report it or where to.