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Seetangsalat kann wie andere frische Produkte die Ursache für Lebensmittelvergiftungen sein. Im Jahr 2020 erkrankten über 3.000 Studenten in Japan, nachdem sie mit E. coli kontaminierten Algensalat konsumiert hatten. Die Symptome einer E.coli-Infektion beginnen 2-7 Tage nach dem Verzehr und sind durch Durchfall und Bauchkrämpfe gekennzeichnet.

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I only ordered California rolls and seaweed salad. The seaweed salad color seemed off. It seemed way to green and artificial. It tasted OK so I ate half of it. Several hours later I had stomach pain, cramps, bloating, and vomiting that lasted several hours  | Symptome: Übelkeit, Erbrechen, Krämpfe, Blähungen, Schmerzen im Magen

#pittsburgh #pennsylvania #us #salat #seetang-salat


Sakura Cafe, Main Street, Annapolis, MD, USA

vor 4 Jahren reported by user-yhxcf585 einzelheiten

Eating sushi. I ordered from here via Grubhub. I had eaten the seaweed salad with no sudden side affects. But as soon as i started chewing on a piece of nigiri, I noticed a strong, bitter flavor. Like it had been left out. I, unfortunately, decided to… Mehr sehen

#annapolis #maryland #us #fische #salat #sushi #seetang-salat

I had seaweed salad, chashu buns, and a meat lovers ramen around 8pm on Jan 19th. By 10pm, I had diarrhea that kept going until I went to sleep at midnight. When I woke up at 6am, I have nausea, dry mouth, and still had an urge to urinate but couldn't.  | Symptome: Durchfall, Übelkeit, Andere

#lasvegas #nevada #us #salat #seetang-salat #ramen #fleisch


Costco Wholesale, West Avenue L, Lancaster, CA, USA

vor 4 Jahren reported by user-jjzhk771 einzelheiten

We think it was Azuma Seaweed Salad. My daughter and I are the only ones who ate it and we both got sick. She recently vomited and I feel very nauseous. Ate the seaweed salad for dinner, among some other foods, with my daughter. Everyone else in… Mehr sehen

#costco #lancaster #california #us #salat #seetang-salat

I ate seaweed salad around 10:30 pm. I had ordered the salad a few hours before along with sushi (tiger roll and veggi roll) and their chicken wings. I ate maybe 1/4-1/3 of the salad before putting it away and ate the rest at 10:30. I could… Mehr sehen

#sandiego #california #us #hühnchen #salat #sushi #flügel #seetang-salat #hühnerflügel #rolle

Got the seaweed salad from the place for the first time (it’s located in the student center food court). Their containers are fairly large and full compared to other seaweed salad sold on campus. I ate it at around 11:30pm and felt very nauseous before bed at… Mehr sehen

#philadelphia #pennsylvania #us #foodcourt #salat #seetang-salat


Sushi Roll, Devlin Street, Ryde NSW, Australia

vor 4 Jahren reported by user-wknt9779 einzelheiten

I ate seaweed salad and a few hours after I began vomiting and becoming feverish. all I ate there was cucumber sushi, rice and edamame beans so it would have been the seaweed salad. it didn’t look very good either  | Symptome: Fieber, Übelkeit, Erbrechen

#ryde #newsouthwales #au #reis #salat #sushi #seetang-salat


Poke n Roll, East Pike Street, Seattle, WA, USA

vor 4 Jahren reported by user-qyyy1886 einzelheiten

I ordered two scoops of raw tuna on half rice and half salad. There was also seaweed salad and ginger and pickled cucumbers. I’m pretty sure it was the salad or the tuna I started getting diarrhea the next morning and then started throwing up about 24 hours after I ate it  | Symptome: Durchfall, Erbrechen

#raw #seattle #washington #us #reis #salat #thunfisch #seetang-salat #ingwer

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