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Rapports de sécurité alimentaire: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Mise à jour:

Hawaiian Poke Bowl Éruption cutanée majeure et augmentation du sang, maux d'estomac, hypertension artérielle. J'ai dû me précipiter chez le médecin pour me faire vacciner avec du Benadryl. Cela était probablement dû à l'histamine provenant de poissons mal entreposés.  | Symptômes: Autre, Rash cutané

#blood #vancouver #britishcolumbia #canada #visitechezlemédecin #poisson #bol #piquer

Sushi We ordered a party tray. He ate the house roll. 6h later he was vomiting. A little later, diahea. He is very bloated, and his whole body is aching. He was the only one to eat the house roll.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements, ballonnements, Douleur corporelle

#vancouver #britishcolumbia #canada #sushi #rouleau

Ate on Thursday afternoon, started feeling an upset stomach, cramps and bloating on Friday. Could not sleep well. Other 2 friends who were with me and had food here are experiencing similar symptoms as well. I had a Mcflurry and they had burgers and fries.  | Symptômes: Nausée, Vomissements, Crampes, ballonnements

#mcdonalds #vancouver #britishcolumbia #canada #frites

We both ate crispy chicken, mine on a burger and my husbands on a salad that he modified because they were out of Cajun chicken.

Both in pain, then extreme nausea about an hour after eating, both up puking and diarrhea all night long, cold, shaky, really… Voir plus

#vancouver #britishcolumbia #canada #burger #cajun #poulet #salade #paingrillé

My husband had toro sashimi and IMO sashimi for lunch today at 1 pm and started to have a very bad stomach pain, fever, vomiting and diarrhea around 4 . This is the only thing he ate today . So is from here .  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements, Fièvre, Douleur d'estomac

#vancouver #britishcolumbia #canada

Dinner was Wed the 11th of December. I ordered and ate Szechuan spicy green beans, marinated cucumbers, and breaded shrimp. My friend ate the beans and cucumbers and we each had one different dish, mine being the shrimp. My symptoms started right after I arrived home, about… Voir plus

#vancouver #britishcolumbia #canada #crevettes