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Rapports de sécurité alimentaire: San Juan, Puerto Rico

Mise à jour:

Three of us had fruit platter at restaurant and became very sick, vomited all night. Hotel had no Gatorade and made us pay for bottled water. Two who did not have fruit were fine. Marriott Elite member and never had issue with any Marriott property in Puerto… Voir plus

#hilton #sanjuan #sanjuan #puertorico #fruit #gatorade


San Juan, Puerto Rico

il y a 4 ans reported by user-jwcrx256 détails

From a food court , Hamburger or fried chicken, not too sure. 1 person. My son who ate the food.
For the hamburger a friend brought it. Do not know yet, as my son started the symptoms during the night
Given the circumstances and onset of the… Voir plus

#kfc #sanjuan #sanjuan #puertorico #chicken #foodcourt #hamburger #friedchicken

one tuna and chicken taco. Six hours later woke up extremely nauseous and started vomiting then proceeded with diarrhea. Lasted about a day.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements

#sanjuan #sanjuan #puertorico #chicken #tuna #taco

Orange chicken from there, 2 children got sick. One got sick within 30 mins; the second about 5 hrs later  | Symptômes: Vomissements

#pandaexpress #sanjuan #sanjuan #puertorico #chicken #orange

This restaurant that at first appeared local and affordable resulted in one of the worst experiences. Arrogant staff who discriminate tourists, charged higher prices than on the menu. Visited the restroom after the meal only to find it dirty, with bugs and no running water. I was… Voir plus

#sanjuan #sanjuan #puertorico


Cafe Manolin, Calle San Justo, San Juan, Puerto Rico

il y a 5 ans reported by user-wfpr8642 détails

So I went on a trip to Puerto Rico and came back may 25th 2019 with Salmonella that gave me infectious colitis. Our very last day we ate at a spot in Old San Juan and their food tasted like it was days old. The mofongo was… Voir plus

#sanjuan #sanjuan #puertorico #hôpital

Les 30 derniers jours