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Rapports de sécurité alimentaire: Daytona Beach, Florida, United States

Mise à jour:

J'ai mangé les petits plats de boulettes de viande lundi après-midi vers 15h. Je n'avais pas mangé de toute la journée donc je sais que c'est ce qui l'a causé. Quelques heures plus tard, j'ai eu mal au ventre et j'ai vomi. Vers 20h00, j'ai commencé à… Voir plus

#carrabbasitaliangrill #daytonabeach #florida #us


Pizza Hut, North Nova Road, Daytona Beach, FL, USA

il y a 5 ans reported by user-fwzc8499 détails

I ate Pizza Hut today, 1/31/2019, I had a slice of pepperoni and a slice of mushroom pizza, 30 minutes later I got a really upset stomach and next thing you know I’m on the toilet with explosive, watery, diarrhea.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée

#pizzahut #daytonabeach #florida #us #champignon #pepperoni #pizza #pizzaauxchampignons


Arby's, South Ridgewood Avenue, Daytona Beach, FL, U

il y a 5 ans reported by user-qpcy4443 détails

On 101518 my husband and I grabbed the 2 for 6 gyros at around 1040am. About an hour to two hours later I started experiencing a bad stomach ache which eventually turned into diarrhea and major vomiting. It is 614am the next day 101618 and I am still very sick with diarrhea nausea and vomiting.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Fièvre, Nausée, Vomissements

#arbys #daytonabeach #florida #us

Ate the same items earlier in the day as my son. Ate at the Cellar 5-6 pm became ill at 3-4 am. My son and I ate different things at dinner. I only got sick. Went to the hospital. Symptoms lasted to a lesser degree for 10 days.  | Symptômes: Fièvre, Vomissements

#daytonabeach #florida #us #hôpital

Le poulet en croûte de parme a dû quitter le travail tôt le lendemain en raison de vomissements et de douleurs à l'estomac.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Vomissements, Douleur d'estomac

#bjs #daytonabeach #florida #us #poulet

I finally got a date night out so we stopped at panda Express for some dinner, Big mistake...some of there food looked old like it had been out for hours, I had the mushroom chicken and steak with peppers and the next day I have paid the… Voir plus

#pandaexpress #daytonabeach #florida #us #poulet #champignon #steak

I ordered the chicken bowl and my boyfriend got steak. Both of us got food posioning and his is worse than mine. if we do not get better within two days we will go to ER asap.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Fièvre, Nausée, Vomissements

#chipotlemexicangrill #daytonabeach #florida #us #poulet #steak #bolàpoulet #bol

Ate blackened chicken nachos and woke up in the middle of the night with extreme stomach cramps and fever. Shortly after I began puking for about an hour. Managed to fall back asleep but just woke up sweating and still have cramping in my stomach.  | Symptômes: Fièvre, Vomissements, Crampes, Transpiration

#tijuanaflats #daytonabeach #florida #us #poulet

Ate dinner there 5/19/2018 about 7:30. Finished dinner about 8:15 and started having severe stomach cramps around 8:30. Around 10:30 I had diarrhea. Around 11:00 I severe vomiting-about 7 times.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Vomissements

#daytonabeach #florida #us

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