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Rapports de sécurité alimentaire: Beaverton, Oregon, United States

Mise à jour:

Rapports récents

I went to Si Senor on 2/2 at 4pm and ate an Expresso Burrito (contained chicken, Spanish rice, and refried beans). At about 9 pm, I became ill and experienced diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea. I remained violently ill until about 6am today and I am now recovering.… Voir plus

#beaverton #oregon #us #burrito #poulet #riz #espagnol

Party of 10 and 8 of us have gotten sick. Leftovers have been thrown out. January 26 we ate there around 6:45-7 pm. Between midnight and 2am the sickness came.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Fièvre, Nausée, Vomissements

#olivegarden #beaverton #oregon #us

Footlong spicy Italian with the new garlic cheese bread option. Spinach, tomatoes, olives, banana peppers, bell peppers, oil and vinegar. I ate around 8pm and didn't feel too good immediately after. Crampy for a few hours, then 4 hours later the diarrhea started, 5 hours later vomiting.… Voir plus

#subway #beaverton #oregon #us #pain #fromage #italien #épinards #ail #banane

I bought 12 bone-in buffalo chicken wings last night nov 9.when i got to my 10th wing my stomach was already growling.Today the Nov 10 early in the morning i was awakened by diarrhea & all i could see is the red buffalo sauce going down the toilet bowl.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée

#pizzahut #beaverton #oregon #us #buffle #poulet #ailes #ailesdepoulet #bol

I hadn’t eaten all day, so this was the only meal I had that day. Sept. 3rd, 2018 I went through the drive-through pretty late at night and bought the $5 Double Cheesy Gordita Box. I was only five minutes away from home, so I ate at… Voir plus

#tacobell #beaverton #oregon #us

Vers 17 h 45 hier soir, ma famille et moi mangeons des pizzas de Papa John's. J'ai mangé 2 morceaux de pizza au pepperoni et à l'ananas et 1 nœud d'ail avec sauce à l'ail. J'étais le seul à avoir reçu la sauce à l'ail de mon… Voir plus

#papajohns #beaverton #oregon #us #pepperoni #pizza #ail #sauceàlail #ananas