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Rapports de sécurité alimentaire: Norfolk, Virginia, United States

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Rapports récents

After eating a few pieces of their crazy bread (breadsticks) I started feeling stomach upset after approximately 1 hour after eating. About 3 hours after I ate, I started experiencing severe episodes of diarrhea. I began drinking water to rehydrate myself, but I began experiencing repeated episodes… Voir plus

#littlecaesarspizza #norfolk #virginia #us #pain #gressins

I ordered the Beed Brocolli with steamed white rice and a Spring Roll and ate it around 7:45pm on Nov. 4th. I felt an urgent need to have a bowel movement around 10 minutes later. I hadn’t eaten very much all day. Then, 30 minutes later, I… Voir plus

#pandaexpress #norfolk #virginia #us #riz #rouleaudeprintemps #rouleau

Ate Cobb salad 8 pm last night. That is all I ate. At 2 am I awoke with room spinning, and broke out in sweats. Sick all night with a symptoms of food poisoning. Had to miss a day of work. First bad experience at Panera, but very, very ill from it.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements

#panerabread #norfolk #virginia #us #salade

Had the original steak burger with Cajun fries, my friend had the same thing. We both threw up the food at the same time. Felt significantly better afterwards.  | Symptômes: Vomissements

#steaknshake #norfolk #virginia #us #burger #cajun #frites #steak

My boyfriend and I both had a burrito with barbacoa, brown rice, black beans, cheesse, dices tomato, lettuce, guac, sour cream and peppers and we ate at around 3-4pm? and then the next morning from 9-10am we both experienced burning diarrhea, i had nausea and a little… Voir plus

#chipotlemexicangrill #norfolk #virginia #us #burrito #crème #laitue #riz #tomate #crèmesure #rizbrun #barbacoa #haricotsnoirs