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Rapports de sécurité alimentaire: Pain perdu

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On 02/29 9 of us went @12:00. 6 of us got sick and still are. I had the Prime Rib Crepe, my 8 yr old daughter had the egg on croissant, my 12 yr old daughter had the French toast, and I’m not sure what the other… Voir plus

#plano #texas #us #croissant #oeuf #painperdu #paingrillé

 I got sick hours after eating here I ordered french toast bacon and eggs with water, and later on I ordered a milk shake drinking only 1/4 of it. 2 hours later i was home in bed with stomach pain and 30 minutes after that i was vomiting for 7.5 hours. 1(me) sick.   | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements, Douleur d'estomac

#ihop #waterbury #connecticut #us #bacon #secouez #painperdu #lait #paingrillé

It was either the french toast or pancakes but made me extremly sick I went around 6 I got my food only ate the french toast was feeling a bit eh but no big deal but when I got home with left overs as in pancakes I… Voir plus

#ihop #dekalb #illinois #us #painperdu #paingrillé

Me and sister ate same breakfast dish (hash brown potatoes, scrambled egg and French toast) and decaf coffee and water @ approximately 1:30 pm.   (2) Sister and I ate same breakfast dish here.  10 hours later we both e oerienced nausea vomiting diarrhea stomach cramps stomach pain… Voir plus

#ihop #independence #missouri #us #café #oeuf #hashbrown #painperdu #paingrillé

I only had their split decision breakfast (eggs, pancakes, french toast, sausage and bacon) this is the second time I've eaten there in the passed six or seven years and both times the location left me in the bathroom before leaving and again before I could get… Voir plus

#ihop #aurora #colorado #us #bacon #saucisse #painperdu #paingrillé