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Skin Rash

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My wife, my 2 kids and I jad nothing but pizza. we all had varying symptoms of diarrhea abdominal pain severe nausea and vomiting. My son also had a rash (probably from the abdominal viral illness) that's the only source we thought is possible after calling the… Voir plus

#dominospizza #rochester #minnesota #us #pizza

Mcchicken sandwiches We ate mcchicken sandwich Saturday afternoon and start vomiting Saturday night, have vomit and diarrhea all night and start having fever on sunday, now that is monday i have rush all over my face  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Fièvre, Vomissements, Rash cutané

#mcdonalds #thedalles #oregon #us #mcchicken #sandwich

J'ai mangé un rouleau de thon épicé. En moins de 30 minutes, j'ai eu des frissons soudains mais je n'y ai rien pensé. 15 minutes plus tard, mon visage était chaud et mes lèvres picolaient. Bientôt, mes oreilles étaient également chaudes et mon bras me démangeait. J'ai… Voir plus

#sproutsfarmersmarket #phoenix #arizona #us #poisson #thon #rouleau

I drank the strawberry lemonade and it taste sour when it hit my stomach but I didn’t think much of it. I ordered the hamburger and sweet potato fries. My burger I ordered medium done. Got home that evening and began feeling nauseous. I woke up in… Voir plus

#thecheesecakefactory #nashville #tennessee #us #burger #frites #hamburger #patate #fraise #limonade #limonadeàlafraise

Nous avons tous trois été empoisonnés, au même moment, dans la même meute. Aujourd'hui, nous avons ouvert un pack de cips Atomic Tomato Samboy Exp 20/JUN/2020. Ils sentaient et avaient bon goût. Les enfants les mangeaient d'abord puis j'en ai attrapé une petite poignée. 10 minutes plus… Voir plus

#yangebup #westernaustralia #au #chips #tomate

Fresh tuna bought from fish stall  2 people eating both got sick
Both of us had heavy flushing 30 mins after eating, racing heart beat, headache, rash over face and body, Gererally felt strange. I had laboured breathing, boyfriend abdominal pains, diahoerra and vomiting  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Vomissements, Autre, Maux, Douleur d'estomac, Rash cutané

#weston #saintjames #bb #poisson #thon

Not sure only had the curly fries and chocolate milkshake  Within 30 minutes of eating my face started itching after looking in the mirror the lower half of my face was swollen and a rash formed the lower half of face and neck. I took Benadryl fell… Voir plus

#jackinthebox #houston #texas #us #chocolat #frites #milk-shake

Tuna  I had the tuna tataki salad (which I always get) and within minutes my face and lips were numb. I’m not allergic so I was worried and within an hour I was covered in a sunburn like rash and rushed to the ER with they kept me overnight for scomboid toxicity   | Symptômes: Nausée, Vomissements, Rash cutané

#thecheesecakefactory #bethesda #maryland #us #scombroid #salade #thon