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California Pizza Cuisine Intoxication alimentaire

California Pizza Cuisine Intoxication alimentaire

L'intoxication alimentaire peut survenir après avoir mangé California Pizza Kitchen au restaurant ou lorsqu'il est congelé. Les symptômes les plus courants rapportés pour une intoxication alimentaire au CPK sont la diarrhée et la nausée. Une récente éclosion de norovirus à un emplacement du CPK à Walnut Creek, en Californie, a touché 60 convives et un test a confirmé que 3 employés étaient malades du virus.

Dernière mise à jour:

#California Pizza Kitchen

Closure Date: 10/02/2019
California Pizza Kitchen was temporarily closed in Arden Fair Mall after a health inspection Tuesday afternoon turned up a cockroach infestation and major food safety violations. A follow-up inspection report on Wednesday showed the restaurant had passed and the company said it was reopened.… Voir plus

#californiapizzakitchen #sacramento #california #us #pizza

My 11 year old son had chicken piccata around noon. By 10 pm we were at the ER. Flu and appendicitis was ruled out on the first visit. Second visit because of sever abdominal pain 2 night in a row became unbearable and fever persisted. Stool sample culture is pending. Physician suspects Salmonella.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Fièvre

#californiapizzakitchen #honolulu #hawaii #us #euh #poulet

My boyfriend and I shared the spinach & artichoke dip on the evening of July 5th- we both had seperate pizzas (thai chicken and bbq chicken) and a few hours later, we both had the exact same symptoms. Vomitting, diarrhea, nausea, and muscle pain as well.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Fièvre, Nausée, Vomissements, Douleur musculaire

#californiapizzakitchen #saltlakecity #utah #us #barbecue #poulet #épinards #thaï #artichaut

Ate pizza at California Pizza kitchen at 9:30 pm, woke up in the early am with explosive diarrhea, Ate at 9:30, had the incidents at 5:00 am, 7 am the next morning  | Symptômes: Diarrhée

#californiapizzakitchen #missionviejo #california #us #pizza

Felt very sick after eating half a cauliflower crust mushroom pizza last night at dinner. Today, had the other half for lunch and immediately felt ill again. Have felt sick for the past 4 hours now.  | Symptômes: Nausée

#californiapizzakitchen #kailua #hawaii #us #croûte #champignon #pizza #pizzaauxchampignons

Went to California Pizza Kitchen. Ordered a Strawberry Lime Margarita, Sedona Tortilla Soup, and Mushroom/Spinach Pizza. 30 minutes after I ate I threw up, and then threw up again 30 minutes after that, I had eaten by myself. Threw up 30 minutes after my meal  | Symptômes: Vomissements

#californiapizzakitchen #pleasanton #california #us #champignon #pizza #soupe #épinards #fraise #tortilla


California Pizza Kitchen at Oxmoor, Shelbyville Road, Louisville, KY, USA

il y a 5 ans reported by user-Instabot user 192790245 détails

BBQ pizza and Thai Chicken Pizza, Our food was served at approximately 7:00 pm. Around 11:00pm one of my sons begin throwing up. It continued all night. My other son began throwing up an hour ago.  | Symptômes: Vomissements, Diarrhée, Nausée

#californiapizzakitchen #louisville #kentucky #us #barbecue #poulet #pizza #thaï

Les 30 derniers jours