Food Safety Report: China Palace, 1129 W Thorndale Ave , Chicago, Il, USA.
3 months ago •source • business
Regulatory Report
1129 West Thorndale Avenue, Chicago, 60660 Illinois, United States
Report date: Oct 3, 202410. Adequate handwashing sinks properly supplied and accessible
- comments: noted no paper towels located at the kitchen hand washing sink. Must provide paper towels at all times at all hand washing sinks for proper hand washing. Priority foundation violation 7-38-030 citation issued.
23. Proper date marking and disposition
- comments: noted assorted cooked tcs foods such as chicken and egg rolls throughout the tall reach-in and walk-in cooler without date labels. No labels of any kind on foods. Reviewed all prepared tcs foods held longer than 24 hours must be date labeled with an expiration date no longer than 7 days. All foods discarded. Priority foundation 7-38-005 citation issued.
35. Approved thawing methods used
- comments: observed meats being improperly thawed at room temperature. Reviewed proper thawing methods. Manager removed.
38. Insects, rodents, & animals not present
- comments: noted approximately 75 mice droppings along baseboards and on shelving in the dry bulk food storage room. 10 to 15 dropping along baseboard in the hallway to the rear. Instructed to remove all droppings, sanitize all affected areas and recommend having pest co. Service for mice. Priority foundation violation 7-38-020(a) citation issued.
41. Wiping cloths: properly used & stored
- comments: all prep area wiping cloths must be held in a container with a sanitizing solution between use.
45. Single-use/single-service articles: properly stored & used
- comments: all stored items throughout the rear storage room must be elevated from the floors and organized.
47. Food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
- comments: must not use used tin cans for food storage in coolers.
47. Food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
- comments: must not use plastic grocery bags as food containers throughout the coolers and freezers.
49. Non-food/food contact surfaces clean
- comments: exterior of coolers, cooler handles with food debris and grease. ----excessive grease on all wok line equipment, in between wok and fryer. Must clean and maintain. ----must not use cardboard as liner for shelving throughout the facility.
49. Non-food/food contact surfaces clean
- comments: tabletop can opener with encrusted food debris. Must clean and maintain.
55. Physical facilities installed, maintained & clean
- comments: blackened, moldy wall caulking at the kitchen two compartment sink. Must replace. ----water damaged ceiling tile in the washroom. Must replace.
55. Physical facilities installed, maintained & clean
- comments: excessive grease on the wok lin exhaust hood and hood filters dripping down from the filters. Must clean and maintain.
55. Physical facilities installed, maintained & clean
- comments: excessive grease and food debris noted on floors under the wok line, under all kitchen equipment and floors throughout the facility. ----excessive food splatter on walls in the dry bulk food storage room and at the rear three compartment sink. Instructed to clean and maintain all. ---- noted a raw wooden floor in the walk-in cooler. Must provide a smooth, cleanable, nonabsorbent floor throughout the walk-in cooler.
60. Previous core violation corrected
- comments: previous core violations from 4-23-24 report #2593265 not corrected. #55-- floor throughout the inside the walk-in coolers with dirt, grease and debris. Must clean and maintain. #57- no proof of food handler training or certificates for all required employees. Must provide. Priority foundation violation 7-42-090 citation issued.