Baja Blasts, Intense Sickness - Taco Bell, Henderson Kentucky
2 years ago •reported by user-mggjx411 • business
Henderson, 42420 Kentucky, United States
Me and my mother were the only ones to eat from there and the only ones in the family to get sick. We couldn't keep down Andy foods or liquids for 3 days and had intense vomiting and diarrhea as well as body aches and stomach pains, cold and hot flashes. I went to the doctor thinking we possibly had covid and was diagnosed with food poisoning. Worst 3 days everrrr This was on February 9th 2022. We ordered through doordash. We both had fiesta potatoes, a 5 layer burrito, and a chalupa. To drink we had Baja blasts. | Symptoms: Diarrhea, Vomiting, Stomach Pain, Body Ache