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Food Safety Reports: Mcallen, Texas, United States


Grabbed lunch with coworkers on 11/26/24, I ordered the Chicken Bowl with quinoa, broccolini and carrots around 1:30pm. By 7pm that evening I was nauseous, throwing up and constantly running to the bathroom with diarrhea. Didn’t get any sleep because of being so sick. What made it… See more

#yardhouse #mcallen #texas #unitedstates #chicken #chickenbowl #bowl #carrot

Suspected food poisoning. Symptoms: Diarrhea, Nausea, Stomach Pain, Cramps, Headache
Suspected source: Marco’s Pizza
Onset: 4 to 12 hours
Duration: other: Currently on hour 4
Sick: 2 people
Additional information: We ate Pizza with pepperoni and old world sausage as well as chicken wings.  | Symptoms: Diarrhea, Nausea, Stomach Pain, Cramps, Headache

#marcospizza #mcallen #texas #unitedstates #pizza #chicken #pepperoni #sausage #wings #chickenwings

Ordered out Triple China Delight on Sunday June 1, 2024 Food oil and shrimp tasted funny,,, called the place to complain they offered me to substitute the food for another plate I had to call an ambulance and McAllen PD to make a report. Food code enforcement… See more

#mcallen #texas #unitedstates #er #shrimp

Went with my family and got the chicken and shrimp carbonara. Ate half of it and now I’ve been out of commission for 5 days with heavy food poisoning. Just happy my daughter or wife didn’t eat any. Symptoms have been all of the above plus hot and cold flushes plus severe weakness.  | Symptoms: Nausea, Diarrhea, Vomiting, Weakness

#olivegarden #mcallen #texas #unitedstates #chicken #shrimp

Eat broccoli from the salad bar. I went to Jason's Deli in McAllen TX in the afternoon and ate broccoli cooked from the salad bar, I only spend no more than an hour and I get home vomiting, and very severe stomach pain, immediately diarrhea, my head… See more

#jasonsdeli #mcallen #texas #unitedstates

January 14, 2024 The chicken was raw of a 4 piece leg quarters chicken ready to eat. Please recall that chicken it made me go to the DHR Health Emergency department
Suspected food poisoning. Symptoms: Nausea, Vomiting, Fever, Chills, Headache
Suspected source: Not well fully cooked
Onset:… See more

#heb #raw #undercooked #mcallen #texas #unitedstates #er #chicken