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Relatórios de segurança alimentar: Goleta, California, United States


Ate Flamin Hot Cheetos, went to sleep, woke up at 5am and ended up throwing up. Thought it was something else, so ended up eating more Flamin Hot Cheetos two days later and the same exact thing happened. I eat them all the time and this has… Veja mais

#7eleven #goleta #california #unitedstates

Both myself and my wife ordered the riveted steak dinner, flash to the next day.....I had the most severe diarrhea so bad that I sat on/off the toilet over the past 24hrs. I am sure it was the steak because I kept burping the awful flavor over… Veja mais

#chilis #goleta #california #unitedstates #bife

I ate the shredded beef nachos, and after a couple hours I woke up in the middle of the night to an awful stomach ache. I then began to vomit and have bad diarrhea. I’ve been feeling awful for 2 days now and can barely move.  | Sintomas: Diarreia, Náusea, Vomitando

#freebirds #goleta #california #unitedstates #carne

I woke this morning with severe stomach cramping and diarrhea. The last thing I ate last night was a frozen steak burrito. My sister who lives in NYC also came down with the same symptoms plus vomiting after eating frozen chicken enchiladas from her local store. What is happening????  | Sintomas: Diarreia, Náusea, Cãibras

#traderjoes #goleta #california #unitedstates #burrito #galinha #bife #enchiladas

Eu pedi o hambúrguer de atum ahi e comi por volta das 19h. 8 horas depois, acordei com náuseas severas e vômitos violentos. Eu tinha suores frios. Após 3 horas, a náusea parou. Eu estava fraco e tive uma forte dor de cabeça nas próximas 24 horas.… Veja mais

#goleta #california #unitedstates #hambúrguer #atum

I eat ice cream and cold mild in Santa Barbara. I felt uncomfortable since morning. I took flight from SBA to Albuquerque. And in the flight I drink orange juice. I had diarrhea at Phoenix airport. My heart rate is around 100 and show tens of increasing. I fell fever and numbness of my hand.  | Sintomas: Diarreia, Febre, Náusea, Vomitando, dormência

#albertsons #goleta #california #unitedstates #creme #sorvete #suco #alaranjado

I had a egg mc muffin delivery in the morning. And my noon when I was driving home. Had to swerve and get out to vomit all over my self. When I got home I was so fatigued that I took a nap. When I woke up I threw up again. And now I have major diarrhea  | Sintomas: Diarreia, Febre, Náusea, Vomitando

#mcdonalds #goleta #california #unitedstates #muffin #ovo