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Rapports de sécurité alimentaire: Alaska, United States

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Rapports récents

I bought Kirkland signature ground beef 4 1lb packs. I bought them through Instacart on 5/18. I put them in my freezer when they arrived. I used one pack that week, And got very sick. I did not know that it was the meat. I cooked the… Voir plus

#leftovers #costco #anchorage #alaska #us #boeuf #hamburger #viande

steak and egg breakfast burrito and hashbrowns I ate a steak and egg breakfast burrito and hashbrowns. Fifteen minutes later, I felt like I was breathing fryer oil and had mild discomfort. I laid down thinking I ate too fast and a stomach ache is probably coming.… Voir plus

#carlsjr #anchorage #alaska #us #burrito #steak #oeuf

(Special Chow Mein)  My wife and I placed an order through DoorDash last night for dinner, around 7:15 to 7:30 she began telling me her stomach was upset and she felt nauseous and only a few minutes later started vomiting. I however am fine which leads me… Voir plus

#doordash #anchorage #alaska #us #boeuf #poulet #chowmein

pre-cooked corned beef Precooked corn beef purchased on 3/10/20.  Refrigerated, unopened.  Opened and heated on stove top 3/18.  Put in refridge.  3/19 eaten by person A at 4pm.  No problem.  Eaten from refridge by person B at 9 pm.  Person B had severe vicious projectile vomiting at… Voir plus

#costco #anchorage #alaska #us #boeuf #maïs

Me and my daughter both got sick after eating there. We both were vomiting, Her diarrhea, our whole body hurt from the inside out. We had fever
And we’re dehydrated. We didn’t sleep for three days doing all of that. I took my daughter to the hospital and they confirmed that we had E. coli.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements, Autre, Fièvre, déshydratation, Douleur corporelle

#burgerking #anchorage #alaska #us #e.coli

Tried the impossible whopper for the first time. Every table was dirty and the crew was goofing around, not focused on work. My first thought was I wonder how clean the kitchen? The burger arrived, the Patti flat and dry but similar to burgers I have had… Voir plus

#burgerking #impossibleburger #anchorage #alaska #us #burger #whopper