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Rapports de sécurité alimentaire: Tigard, Oregon, United States

Mise à jour:

I had a all-meat pizza. Bacially every meat they have with cheese and sauce at work. About 2 hours later I started sweating and feeling nauseous and like I had to go to the bathroom. My boss sent me home early and I've had diarrhea and I've been vomiting ever since.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Fièvre, Vomissements

#tigard #oregon #us #cheese #pizza #meat

I bought a Lemon Peoper rotisserie chicken about 7pm Monday 12/19, and ate it at 8:15. The next morning I had major diarrhea that lasted all day and the next morning (right now). I expect it to continue. I feel hot and cold and nauseous.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée

#walmart #tigard #oregon #us #chicken #lemon #rotisseriechicken

On December 14th, around 1pm I ate the teriyaki chicken and the salad that came along with it. Normally I avoid the salad but decided to try it this time. Around 10:30pm I wake up feeling nauseous and with a higher body temperature, which is shortly followed… Voir plus

#tigard #oregon #us #chicken #salad #teriyaki

I purchased 2 spicy chicken sandwiches with a small coke/no ice. One of the chicken sandwiches was plain and the other was regular. I ate the regular sandwich at around 10:30pm and by 5am the next morning I was extremely sick with food poisoning. The only food… Voir plus

#tigard #oregon #us #chicken #sandwich #coke #chickensandwich

My Son Dayvid Barnhart is presently very sick. He spoke to RN. ''ER" in morning, if not better. He was vomiting for several hours. He bought take out Last night. (Sunday) 10/16/2016
I am Dayvid's Father, Kenneth Barnart  | Symptômes: Nausée, Vomissements

#pandaexpress #tigard #oregon #us

Had salad with chicken, onions, mixed veggies, & dressing. Immediately after consuming the food I felt sick & had diarrhea. The next week was hell to say the least. For TWO weeks straight I had extreme diarrhea like waterfalls coming out. Everything I ate did not stay… Voir plus

#wholefoodsmarket #tigard #oregon #us #chicken #rice #salad #soy

Les 30 derniers jours